Each chart product must be checked out of the product library before it can be edited, exported or updated.
- Inicie ArcMap.
- If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- Navigate to the product you want to edit.
- Right-click the product and click Check Out Product.
The Check Out Product dialog box appears.
If you previously checked out from the product library, the output location you chose appears in the Output Location field.
- Check the Open file check box.
- Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Output Location field.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the folder to which you want to check out the product.
- Click OK.
The Check Out Product dialog box appears with the path you defined.
- Click OK.
The Checking Out Product dialog box appears with the progress of the checkout.
- Click OK when the process completes.
The production database and .mxd are checked out to the path you specified, and the .mxd file is opened in ArcMap.