Disponible con licencia de Production Mapping.
If you are creating polygons of land uses, soils, counties, or property ownership, for example, you often need to create polygons next to one another. The polygons should share a border, but you want to avoid digitizing the border twice or having overlaps or spaces between polygons. You can use the Production Difference Polygon construction tool when creating new polygons to help ensure that your data forms a continuous fabric. With the Production Difference Polygon tool, you can digitize a new polygon that adjoins an existing polygon, using the existing polygon's geometry and the edit sketch to define the edges of the new polygon.
The Production Difference Polygon construction tool is similar to the Auto-Complete Polygon tool. However, the Production Difference Polygon tool allows you to create a new polygon that is coincident to polygons in any layer, not just polygons from the same layer.

- Inicie ArcMap.
- Si es necesario, cargue datos en el mapa.
- En el menú principal, haga clic en Personalizar > Barras de herramientas > Edición de producción.
- Haga clic en el botón Iniciar edición de producción
en la barra de herramientas Edición de producción.
- Click the Create tab on the Manage Features window.
- Choose the polygon template you want to use to create the difference polygon on the Create tab on the Manage Features window.
- Click the Production Difference Polygon button
at the bottom of the Create tab.
- Drag a polygon in the map and double-click the end node to finish the polygon.