Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.
Assigns customers to stores by closest location using a straight-line distance method.
You cannot undo the assignment of customers to stores in an existing field.
Customers are assigned to the closest store location.
Assignments are based on a straight-line Euclidean distance calculation.
Use the Assign By Trade Area tool if you do not want to assign customers using a straight-line distance. The Assign By Trade Area tool can be used with drive-time polygons.
If a customer is at an equal distance from two or more stores, the customer will be assigned to the first store in the attribute table.
arcpy.ba.AssignCustomersByLocation(InputFeatureLayer, IdField, CustomerLayer, LinkField, {UseSelectedFeatures}, {WayToDefineLinkField}, {CreateNewFeatureClass}, {OutputFeatureClass})
Parámetro | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
InputFeatureLayer | The store layer to which to assign customers. | Feature Layer |
IdField | The unique identifier of each store. | Field |
CustomerLayer | The customer layer used to make the customer assignments to each store. | Feature Layer |
LinkField | The field that will be populated with the associated store ID. | Field |
UseSelectedFeatures (Opcional) | Customers are assigned by selected features of the customer layer.
| Boolean |
WayToDefineLinkField (Opcional) | Selects an existing store ID field or creates a new field.
| Boolean |
CreateNewFeatureClass (Opcional) | Generates a new feature class based on the existing layer or uses the existing layer.
| Boolean |
OutputFeatureClass (Opcional) | The feature class that will contain the assigned features. | Feature Class |
Muestra de código
AssignCustomersByLocation example (stand-alone script)
# Name: AssignCustomersByLocation.py
# Description: Assigns customers in the San Francisco area to their designated stores by closest location using a straight-line distance metho
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.8\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Defines the parameters for the Assign by Closest Stores Location tool
StorePath = "C:/temp/sf_stores.shp"
CustPath = "C:/temp/sf_cust.shp"
StoreId = "STORE_ID"
StoreLink = "STORE_ID"
# Assigns by Closest Stores Location
# Release extension license
Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.
Información de licenciamiento
- Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
- Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
- Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst