The Data Loader tool can be used to import data from a different schema based on the mappings defined in a cross-reference mapping file. One example where this is useful is the AMDB (DO-272C or ED-99C) and Airports data models. In this scenario, most of the feature class names are similar, but not exactly the same. Below is a table that indicates which AMDB feature class imports into each Airports feature class.
AMDB feature class | Airports feature class |
AM_AerodromeReferencePoint | AirportControlPoint |
AM_AerodromeSurfaceLighting | AirfieldLight |
AM_ApronElement | Apron |
AM_ArrestingGearLocation | ArrestingGear |
AM_ArrestingSystemLocation | RunwayArrestingArea |
AM_AsrnEdge | ASRNEdge |
AM_AsrnNode | ASRNNode |
AM_Blastpad | RunwayBlastPad |
AM_ConstructionArea | ConstructionArea |
AM_DeicingArea | DeicingArea |
AM_FinalApproachAndTakeOffArea | RunwayHelipadDesignSurface |
AM_FrequencyArea | FrequencyArea |
AM_HelipadThreshold | HelipadThreshold |
AM_Hotspot | Hotspot |
AM_LandAndHoldShortOperationLocation | RunwayLAHSO |
AM_PaintedCenterline | RunwayCenterline |
AM_ParkingStandArea | AircraftGateStandArea |
AM_ParkingStandLocation | AircraftGateStand |
AM_RunwayCentrelinePoint | AirportControlPoint |
AM_RunwayDisplacedArea | RunwayDisplacedArea |
AM_RunwayElement | RunwayElement |
AM_RunwayExitLine | MarkingLine |
AM_RunwayIntersection | RunwayIntersection |
AM_RunwayMarking | MarkingArea |
AM_RunwayShoulder | Shoulder |
AM_RunwayThreshold | RunwayEnd |
AM_ServiceRoad | RoadSegment |
AM_StandGuidanceLine | MarkingLine |
AM_Stopway | Stopway |
AM_SurveyControlPoint | AirportControlPoint |
AM_TaxiwayElement | TaxiwayElement |
AM_TaxiwayGuidanceLine | MarkingLine |
AM_TaxiwayHoldingPosition | TaxiwayHoldingPosition |
AM_TaxiwayIntersectionMarking | MarkingLine |
AM_TaxiwayShoulder | Shoulder |
AM_TouchDownLiftOffArea | TouchdownLiftOff |
AM_VerticalLineStructure | VerticalStructureLine |
AM_VerticalPointStructure | VerticalStructurePoint |
AM_VerticalPolygonalStructure | VerticalStructurePolygon |
AM_Water | Shoreline |