Disponible avec une licence Data Reviewer.
The Reviewer workspace is a geodatabase that contains the tables and feature dataset needed to store the results of your quality control workflows. The following process outlines the steps for setting up a Reviewer workspace when working with a file geodatabase.
Learn more about the different types of geodatabases.
You can create the workspace using the Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool or by completing the following the steps.
- Start ArcMap.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer.
- Click the Reviewer Session Manager button
on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.
- Click Browse in the Reviewer Workspace area.
The Reviewer Workspace dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the file geodatabase that you want the Reviewer tables and feature datasets to be created in.
- Cliquez sur Ajouter.
- Click New to start a new Reviewer session.
- Choose an option for the spatial reference.
- Use Default Spatial Reference (WGS-84)—Sets the Reviewer dataset's spatial reference to GCS_WGS_1984. This is the default spatial reference for ArcMap.
- Use Active Data Frame Spatial Reference—The Reviewer dataset's spatial reference matches that of the active data frame.
- Browse To Spatial Reference—Sets the Reviewer dataset's spatial reference to one you choose.
- If necessary, update the configuration keyword option in the Select Configuration Keyword area.
- Click OK.
The ID and Name text boxes are automatically populated in the Session area.
- Click Start Session.
- Click Close to dismiss the Reviewer Session Manager dialog box.
The button name changes to End Session.