The Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF) is a collection of shapefiles that contains various aviation features such as Special Use Airspace, navaids, and airports. This data can be imported into the Aeronautical Information System (AIS) data model, and mapping information can be found in Mapping Information for DAFIF and AIS data models.
Importing DAFIF shapefiles
- Start ArcMap.
- If necessary, create a new geodatabase with the AIS schema using the Create Aviation Geodatabase geoprocessing tool.
- Add the Import DAFIF tool to a toolbar by doing the following.
- Click Customize > Customize Mode.
- Click the Commands tab.
- In the Categories list, click Aviation.
- Drag the Import DAFIF button
to the Aviation Data Management toolbar.
The command appears on the toolbar.
- Cliquez sur Fermer.
- Click the browse button next to the Import Shapefiles (folder) text box.
- Browse to the directory that contains the shapefiles and click Select.
The Shapefiles to Import list is populated with the list of shapefiles that will be imported into the geodatabase. By default, all the shapefiles are selected for importing.
- Click the browse button next to Target Geodatabase.
- Browse to the geodatabase into which the data will be imported.
- Click OK.
The Import DAFIF Shapefiles Into AIS Geodatabase dialog box appears and displays the progress of the import process. Information reported includes the number of features transferred from each shapefile to the corresponding feature class.
- Click OK to close the progress dialog box.
Creating an AIRSPACEBOUNDARY feature class
The AIRSPACEBOUNDARY feature class must be manually created to fully ingest all of your DAFIF data. The following steps will help you create and archive this feature class.
- Start ArcMap.
- In the Catalog window, right-click the geodatabase in which you want to create the new feature class.
- Sélectionnez Nouveau > Classe d'entités.
- Type AIRSPACEBOUNDARY for the Name field.
- Click the Type drop-down arrow and click Line Features.
- Cliquez sur Suivant.
- Recherchez et sélectionnez un système de coordonnées dans la fenêtre des systèmes de coordonnées, ou cliquez sur Importer ou sur Nouveau pour spécifier un système de coordonnées.
- Cliquez sur Suivant.
- You can type a different x,y tolerance, but the default should be sufficient.
The x,y domain is calculated based on the coordinate system you specified.
- Cliquez sur Suivant.
- If you are creating the new annotation feature class in a file or enterprise geodatabase and you want to use a custom storage keyword, click Use configuration keyword and then choose the keyword you want to use from the drop-down list. If you don't want to use a custom storage keyword, leave the default.
- Cliquez sur Suivant.
- Click Import if you want to add fields to the feature class.
- Browse to the BDYHP DAFIF shapefile and click Add.
- Cliquez sur Terminer.
- Right-click the AIRSPACEBOUNDARY feature class and click Manage > Register As Versioned.
This enables versioning on the new feature class.
- Right-click the AIRSPACEBOUNDARY feature class and click Manage > Enable Archiving.
The feature class is archived.
Le bouton Importer permet d'importer un système de coordonnées à partir d'une classe d'entités existante ou d'un jeu de classes d'entités existant.
Le bouton Nouveau permet de créer un nouveau système de coordonnées.
Dès lors que vous avez choisi un système de coordonnées, vous pouvez cliquer sur Modifier pour l'ajuster.
Updating AIS geodatabase features
The Import DAFIF tool is used to update features in an AIS geodatabase that were previously imported from DAFIF shapefiles. It uses the CLIENTKEY_ID field from each feature class to match the source field values in the input DAFIF shapefile features.
Matching features are updated based on the source DAFIF attribution and geometry. Additionally, non-matching features in the DAFIF shapefiles are appended to the receiving AIS feature class.
The Import DAFIF tool populates the SOURCE_TXT field found in AIS feature classes with information regarding the update status for the feature in the 'DAFIF'_CYCLE_DATE_'update status' format.
The tool log reports the details of DAFIF to AIS feature class data transfer and lists the total number of features transferred and counts for New, Updated, Unchanged and Marked for Delete.
You can save these as text files by clicking the Save Log button on the Import DAFIF dialog box.