Heights for features can be calculated by selecting an initial "ground" point, then a point at the top of a feature using the Calculate Height tool. The height value for the feature is calculated by subtracting the highest value from the ground value. For example, if the ground value is 200 and the top value is 250, the absolute height is 50. Once it is calculated, the value is written to the field you specify for the height on the Attributes tab on the Defense Mapping Properties dialog box.
You can also populate the ZV2 field for the feature. If you check the Populate ZV2 check box, the ZV2 field is populated with the value that represents the top of the feature. Using the previous example, 250 would be the ZV2 value for the feature.
To use this tool, you must use z-enabled data.
- Start ArcMap.
- Load z-enabled data in the map.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
- Click the Production Start Editing button
on the Production Editing toolbar.
- Select the features for which you want to populate the height.
- Click the Calculate Height button
on the Defense Mapping toolbar.
A crosshair appears in the map.
- Click once to capture the bottom of the feature.
- Drag the crosshair to the top of the feature and double-click again.
A message appears that notifies you of the number of features that have been updated.
- Cliquez sur OK.