The JOG Elevation Tints is a surround element that displays the elevation values based on a series of hypsometric bands. It provides a quick reference for general terrain elevation, with the number of bands depending on the amount of difference in elevation.
Once inserted, double-clicking the JOG Elevation Tints element allows you to access the JOG Elevation Tints Properties dialog box. The Update dynamically check box on the JOG Elevation Tints tab is checked by default. When this check box is checked, the elevation tints can update dynamically based on the active data frame or on what you specify for the following:
- Elevation feature layer
- Elevation field
- Elevation data units
Unchecking the Update dynamically check box allows you to choose the elevation region (low, moderate, or high), as well as input for the high and low elevation values.
If the element needs to be altered after it is created, select the element in the layout view, click Convert To Graphics, then click Ungroup to ungroup the elements that were used to create it. Perform the required edits, then regroup the elements by clicking Group.
- Start ArcMap.
- Verify that the map is in layout view.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
- On the Defense Mapping toolbar, click Defense Mapping > Surround Elements > JOG Elevation Tints.
A JOG Elevation Tints element is displayed in the map layout.
- Double-click the JOG Elevation Tints element.
The JOG Elevation Tints Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the JOG Elevation Tints tab.
The JOG Elevation Tints tab appears with the Update dynamically check box checked by default.
- Click the Units drop-down arrow to specify whether the data was collected in meters or feet.
- Click the Elevation Feature Layer drop-down arrow and choose the feature layer you want to use.
This is any layer that contains elevation information, such as contours or spot heights.
- Click the Low Elevation Field drop-down arrow and choose the field you want to use for the low value.
- Click the High Elevation Field drop-down arrow and choose the field you want to use for the high value.
- To modify the elevation regions and tint bands elevation, do the following:
- Uncheck the Update dynamically check box.
The Elevation Region and Tint Bands Elevation areas become editable.
- Click Low, Moderate, or High in the Elevation Region area.
- Type a high elevation value in the High text box in the Tint Bands Elevation area.
- Type a low elevation value in the Low text box.
- Uncheck the Update dynamically check box.
- Cliquez sur OK.
The JOG Elevation Tints element is generated.