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Two views are available to display the selected job query: list and map. The list view displays the jobs for the selected job query in a table format with columns specified by the job query. The map view will display each LOI for jobs in the selected query with a defined LOI. If an LOI has not been specified for the job, the job will not appear on the map.
Viewing query results in the list view
The list view gives you a tabular view on the jobs in the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository.
- Select a query from the Jobs tab.
- Click the List tab to activate the view.
Viewing query results in the map view
The map view gives you a spatial view of the jobs in the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository.
- Select a query from the Jobs tab.
- Click the Map tab to activate the view.
Several tools are present on the Map View window: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Full Extent, Pan, Select Features, and Refresh View. The Select Features tool allows you to select an LOI in the map view. When a new LOI is selected, the information in the main tabs updates to reflect information about a job.