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The Workflow Manager (Classic) module arcpywmx is a Python module for working with Workflow Manager (Classic) functionality. It provides access to helper functions, classes, and properties to execute and work with jobs and Workflow Manager (Classic) configuration as well as the geoprocessing tools available in the Workflow Manager toolbox. This provides a way for you to automate your business workflow through Python.
Workflow Manager (Classic) functions
Function | Description |
Connect | Establishes a connection to a Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
Workflow Manager (Classic) classes
Class | Description |
ActivityType | The ActivityType object provides access to the activity type configuration element in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
Attachment | The Attachment object provides access to the attachments associated with the job. |
Configuration | The Configuration object provides access to the configuration elements in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
ExtendedProperty | The ExtendedProperty object provides access to properties of the extended property row associated with the job. |
ExtendedPropertyValue | ArcPy class that provides access to the individual cell for extended and linked properties associated with the job. |
Hold | The Hold object provides access to the hold associated with the job. |
HoldType | The HoldType object provides access to the hold types configuration element in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
Job | The Job object provides access to properties and methods to interact with a Workflow Manager (Classic) job. |
JobType | The JobType object provides access to the job types in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
JobTypeDescription | The JobTypeDescription provides access to job type properties that can be customized before creating a job. |
LinkedProperty | ArcPy class that provides access to the group of linked property rows associated with the job. It is comprised of 0 or more ExtendedProperty objects. |
Priority | The Priority object provides access to a priority configuration element in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
QueryField | The QueryField object exposes properties detailing a field returned by the queryJobs method. |
QueryResult | The QueryResult object provides access to the job query results returned by the queryJobs method. |
QueryRow | The QueryRow object provides access to all the values in a row from the result of the queryJobs method. |
StatusType | The StatusType object provides access to the status type configuration elements in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. |
Workflow | The Workflow object provides access to properties to interact with the Workflow Manager (Classic) workflow of a job. |
WorkflowConnection | The WorkflowConnection object provides access to methods for creating or getting a Workflow Manager (Classic) job. |
WorkflowExecutionError | The WorkflowExecutionError exception is raised when a workflow encounters an execution error. |
WorkflowExecutionResult | The WorkflowExecutionResult object provides the result of executing a step in the workflow. |
WorkflowExecutionStepError | The WorkflowExecutionStepError exception is raised when a workflow step encounters an execution error. |
WorkflowPath | The WorkflowPath object provides access to the attributes of a path contained within a job Workflow. |
WorkflowStep | The WorkflowStep object provides access to the attributes of a step contained within a job Workflow. |