Creates a bathymetry dataset properties (.bdprops) file that defines the properties for a bathymetry dataset, such as any of the raster dataset formats supported by the Bathymetry solution as well as any single-part point feature classes. This properties file may then be used in the Add Bathymetry geoprocessing tool to register the dataset defined within the BIS geodatabase that was used to generate the file.
This tool allows you to use the default metadata values defined in your Bathymetric Information System (BIS) when importing bathymetry data programmatically.
If the dataset selected for Input Dataset is a point feature class, it must contain at least one feature. If it is not a z-enabled feature class, it must contain at least one floating-point (float or double) field that contains nonnull values.
If a BAG dataset is selected for the Input Dataset parameter, the Vertical Units and Direction parameters are automatically populated with METERS and POSITIVE_UP values, respectively, as these are fixed values determined by the BAG standard. You will receive a warning message if these parameters were formerly populated with invalid values.
The Input Dataset parameter must be in a coordinate system that is compatible with that of the BIS Workspace.
The Footprint Feature, Selection Query, Depth Field, and Cell Size parameters are applicable to point datasets only and are disabled for raster datasets to indicate that the parameter is not relevant to the specified dataset.
If a point feature class is specified for the dataset, the Footprint Feature must be a polygon feature class that has the same coordinate system as the dataset.
If the Footprint Feature parameter is specified, the feature class must not be z-enabled and must contain at least one polygon feature.
If the Footprint Feature contains any curved line segments, use the Densify tool to replace these segments with straight line segments.
If no collections exist in the BIS geodatabase, the Collection parameter will be disabled.
If no extended metadata fields exist in the BIS geodatabase, the Extended Metadata parameter will be blank.
The Output Properties File parameter should be a path to a file location in which the bathymetry dataset properties (.bdprops) file will be created. This will include the property values for the Input Dataset parameter, which you define in the tool. The tool will create this file.
arcpy.bathymetry.DefineBathymetry(bis_workspace, in_dataset, out_file, vertical_units, direction, extended_metadata, {footprint_feature}, {selection_query}, {depth_field}, {cell_size}, {collection})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
bis_workspace | The Bathymetric Information System (BIS) to which the input dataset should be added. This parameter accepts any geodatabase (.gdb) or enterprise database connection file (.sde) that has been registered as a BIS with the latest version. | Workspace |
in_dataset | The input bathymetric dataset whose properties will be defined in the output file. This can either be a file-based raster dataset or a point feature class with no multipoint features. | Dataset |
out_file | The path specifying the output bathymetric dataset properties (.bdprops) file that will be created by the tool. | File |
vertical_units | The units of measurement of the vertical coordinate system of the input dataset. The following values are allowed for this parameter:
| String |
direction | Indicates whether your depths are represented by positive or negative values. If your point features contain both negative and positive values, indicate the sign used for the values representing your bathymetry depth points.
| String |
extended_metadata [[fieldname, fieldvalue],...] | A list of metadata field names and values. For example, if there are two extended metadata fields in the BIS geodatabase called Survey Date and Captain, a valid value for this parameter could be [[‘Survey Date’, ’1/5/2013’], [‘Captain’,’Roger Smith’]]. | Value Table |
footprint_feature (Facultatif) | A polygon feature class that contains the data coverage polygon for the input dataset. The feature class can contain multiple features, but only one can be used to represent the areas within which data is located in the input dataset. The feature used cannot contain any curved line segments. | Feature Class |
selection_query (Facultatif) | Allows you to specify an SQL statement to select a specific feature in the footprint feature class. | SQL Expression |
depth_field (Facultatif) | The field in your input dataset representing your bathymetry depth values. This may either be Shape.Z if your input is z-enabled or any floating or double field type in your input. | String |
cell_size (Facultatif) | The average spacing between any two points in the input dataset. This value is expressed in the horizontal units of the input dataset’s coordinate system. A smaller cell size and a larger number of rows and columns will convey a greater amount of detail from your point dataset; however, specifying too small a value can also have an adverse effect on the visual quality of the representative raster that will be created. | Double |
collection (Facultatif) | The name of the BIS collection with which the input dataset should be associated. | String |
Exemple de code
DefineBathymetry example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the DefineBathymetry tool with an expression override for extended metadata.
# Name: DefineBathymetry_Example.py
# Description: Creates a bathymetry dataset properties (.bdprops) file
# Requirements: ArcGIS Bathymetry
import arcpy
# check out the extension
# set up parameters
bis_workspace = r"C:/Data/BIS.gdb"
in_dataset = r"C:/Data/2014Surveys.gdb/MontereyBay"
out_file = r"C:/Output/MontereyBay.bdprops"
vertical_units = "FEET"
direction = "POSITIVE_DOWN"
footprint_feature = "C:/Data/2014Surveys.gdb/SurveyFootprints"
depth_field = "Depths"
cell_size = 5.0
extended_metadata = [['Survey Date', '1/5/2013'], ['Captain','Roger Smith']]
selection_query = "SURVEYSITE = 'MNTRY_BAY'"
collection = "2014-Surveys"
# execute the tool
arcpy.DefineBathymetry_bathymetry(bis_workspace, in_dataset, out_file, vertical_units, direction, footprint_feature, depth_field, cell_size, extended_metadata, selection_query, collection)
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert ArcGIS Bathymetry
- Advanced: Requiert ArcGIS Bathymetry