Create the DNC NIS administrator geodatabase user
The administrator needs to create a PostgreSQL login role that will own and store the DNC NIS feature classes and tables (for example, a login role called dnc or dncnis). DNC data importing must be done by the DNC NIS administrator, since new feature classes and tables are created during import. Create a database connection in ArcCatalog with the DNC NIS administrator user; this will be the DNC NIS workspace location.
For more information on creating a data owner login role, see Add login roles to PostgreSQL and Privileges for geodatabases in PostgreSQL.
Administrator database connection
You need to create an administrator database connection when the DNC NIS is stored in an エンタープライズ ジオデータベース. Create a database connection in ArcCatalog with the DNC NIS administrator user; this will be the DNC NIS workspace location.
For more information, see Database connections in ArcMap.