The WorkflowExecutionStepError exception is raised when a workflow step encounters an execution error.
The WorkflowExecutionStepError exception is raised if the workflow step cannot be executed. For example, trying to execute an unsupported step such as DefineAOI, EditExtendedProperties, LaunchArcMap, LaunchGP, OpenMap, and SelectDataWorkspace will raise the error.
The WorkflowExecutionStepError exception is used below to handle any errors that result from trying to execute a step in the workflow.
import arcpy
import sys
import traceback
# Define the callback response function. In this case it will prompt the user using the console to respond.
def callback(question, responses):
# Print out the expected responses
for resp in responses:
print("[%i] %s" + (resp[1], resp[0]))
# Prompt the user to respond
val = int(input("%s - %s: " % (question[1], question[0])))
# Return their response. Currently only returning the value, but could also return a note (for questions) and the name of the response
return val, "", ""
# Establish a connection to a Workflow database
conn = arcpy.wmx.Connect(r'c:\test\Workflow.jtc')
# Get a Job for Execution
job = conn.getJob(77601)
# Execute the current Step in the Job - a LaunchArcmap step without Proceed to Next enabled
result = job.executeStep(callback=callback)
# A Launch ArcMap step will not finish automatically it will be complete after the user indicates it is.
if not result.finished:
t = input("Please press any key and hit enter when finished step")
# Finish the step and Mark as Complete
# Run the next step in the workflow
result = job.executeStep(callback=callback)
print("Executing a 2nd step returned %i" % result.returnCode)
# Mark the step as complete
except wmx.WorkflowExecutionStepError as e:
print("Step failed to execute:")