Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.
Краткая информация
Aggregates and dissolves features based on specified attributes.
The spatial reference of the output feature class will be the same as the layer containing attributes.
Current map layers can be used to define input features. When using layers, only the currently selected features are used in the dissolve operation.
The dissolved fields are written to the output feature class table.
One common use of this tool is to take the output of a thematic map and dissolve the features as a single polygon or feature.
You can use this tool to dissolve the output from Huff Models to create probabilistic trade areas based on probability ranges.
DissolveByAttributeRange_ba (InputFeatureLayer, IDField, ContoursValues, OutputFeatureClass, {SelectedFeaturesOnly}, {Donut})
Параметр | Объяснение | Тип данных |
InputFeatureLayer | Layer containing the values that will be dissolved. | Feature Layer |
IDField | The attribute field containing the values to be dissolved. | Field |
ContoursValues [ContoursValues,...] | The range for each attribute to be dissolved. If using the Python function call, you can enter multiple values separated by semicolons (e.g. "250;500;1000;2000"). | Double |
OutputFeatureClass | The feature class that will contain the dissolved attributes. | Feature Class |
SelectedFeaturesOnly (Дополнительный) | Uses selected features to dissolve by attribute.
| Boolean |
Donut (Дополнительный) | Creates non-overlapping concentric rings, or donut bands.
| Boolean |
Пример кода
DissolveByAttributeRange Example (Stand-alone Script)
# Name: DissolveByAttributeRange.py
# Description: Dissolves the boundaries of a trade area using current year total households
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.6\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define input and output parameters for the Dissolve by Attribute Range tool
InputFeatureLayer = "C:/temp/Boundary.shp"
ContoursValues = "250;500;1000;2000"
OutputFeatureClass = "C:/temp/Output_Contours.shp"
SelectedFeaturesOnly = "false"
Donut = "false"
# Create trade areas by dissolving attributes
ContoursValues ,
# Release extension license
Параметры среды
Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки
Информация о лицензиях
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Требует Business Analyst
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Требует Business Analyst
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Требует Business Analyst