Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.
Краткая информация
Creates a new feature class of ring trade area features using a set of radii
The spatial reference of the output feature class will be the same as the store layer.
Valid numeric distances must be used when defining radii values. Negative distances cannot be used for ring radii.
Selecting ALL in the Sites To Use parameter will create rings for each point feature in the store layer input feature class.
The Remove Overlap parameter uses Thiessen polygons to remove overlap between output ring polygons.
Donut rings create output polygons that are bands. For example, if three radii are entered with values of 1, 2, and 3 miles, three output bands would be created with 0–1-, 1–3-, and 3–5-mile rings.
In ArcMap, trade areas will only be created for features that are within the active study area or analysis extent.
StaticRings_ba (InputFeatureLayer, IDField, All_Or_Single_Or_Selected, RingsCollection, {MeasureUnits}, OutputFeatureClass, {ByID_Or_ByName}, {Single_Site}, {RemoveOverlap}, {Donut})
Параметр | Объяснение | Тип данных |
InputFeatureLayer | The input feature class containing center points for the rings. In most cases, this will be a Business Analyst store layer. | Feature Layer |
IDField | Unique ID field in the ring center (store) layer. | Field |
All_Or_Single_Or_Selected | Creates rings for points in the input feature layer.
| String |
RingsCollection [RingsCollection,...] | The distances, in ascending size, used to create rings around the input features. | Double |
MeasureUnits [MeasureUnits,...] (Дополнительный) | The units used with the distance values. By default, the units defined in the Business Analyst preferences will be selected.
| String |
OutputFeatureClass | The feature class that will contain the ring features. | Feature Class |
ByID_Or_ByName (Дополнительный) | Field used to select a single point.
| String |
Single_Site (Дополнительный) | ID or name of store to be used as the single point. | String |
RemoveOverlap (Дополнительный) | Creates overlapping concentric rings or removes overlap.
| Boolean |
Donut (Дополнительный) | Creates nonoverlapping concentric rings, or donut bands.
| Boolean |
Пример кода
StaticRings example (stand-alone script)
# Name: StaticRings.py
# Description: Creates 1,2, and 3 mile ring trade areas around stores in San Francisco.
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.6\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define input and output parameters for the Static Rings tool
# Please note that your paths may be different.
InputFeatureLayer = "C:/temp/sf_stores.shp"
IdField = "STORE_ID"
All_Or_Single_Or_Selected = "ALL"
RingsCollection = "1;2;3"
MeasureUnits = "Miles"
OutputFeatureClass = "C:/temp/RingOutput.shp"
# Create static ring trade areas
# Release extension license
Параметры среды
Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки
Информация о лицензиях
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Требует Business Analyst
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Требует Business Analyst
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Требует Business Analyst