ArcGIS Bathymetry allows you to edit existing metadata fields displayed in the Manage Collections and Add Bathymetry dialog boxes and Explore Bathymetry and Compose Surface windows. Editing existing fields allows you to ensure that your metadata values continue to meet your business requirements.
The following steps demonstrate how to edit an existing text field in your collection metadata schema. The same steps can be used to edit a text field in your extended metadata schema. You can also follow the same steps when editing fields for any other field type.
If you use multiple BIS geodatabases that require custom metadata, you will need to make changes for each of those BIS geodatabases individually.
If you need to make major configuration changes to your collection or extended metadata schema, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of the schemas so that you can revert to your previous configuration if necessary. The location of your current metadata schema can be found in the Paths pane on the Manage BIS Settings window.
- Запустите ArcMap.
- Click Customize > Toolbars > Bathymetry on the main menu to activate the Bathymetry toolbar if necessary.
Click the Manage BIS Settings button
on the Bathymetry toolbar.
The Manage BIS Settings dialog box appears. The settings for your active BIS geodatabase are shown in this dialog box.
- Click Metadata.
- Click the ellipsis button (…) next to the metadata schema that contains the metadata field you want to update.
The Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box appears.
This example uses the collection metadata schema.
Right-click the field you want to edit and click Edit.
The Edit Metadata Field dialog box appears.
- Modify the field's property values as necessary.
- Click OK the save the metadata field changes and to close the Edit Metadata Field dialog box.
- Click OK to save and close the Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box.
Although the metadata configuration editor updates immediately, you need to close and restart ArcMap for the schema changes to be reflected in other dialog boxes and windows in ArcMap.
- Close ArcMap.
- Запустите ArcMap.
The field that you edited now includes the updates you made.