The Manage Connections tool allows you to manage and activate connection to your Bathymetry Information system (BIS) file geodatabases and enterprise workspaces. The tool also allows you to assign local aliases to BIS geodatabase connections, rename local aliases, and remove BIS geodatabase connections from your BIS Local Alias list.
If you work with multiple BIS geodatabase connections it may be helpful to rename them for easy identification. When renaming a connection, only the alias displayed in the BIS Local Alias list in the Manage Connections dialog box will be changed. The database name and the name of the connection file will not be changed.
- Запустите ArcMap.
- Click Customize > Toolbars > Bathymetry on the main menu to activate the Bathymetry toolbar if necessary.
Click the Manage Connections button
on the Bathymetry toolbar.
The Manage Connections dialog box appears.
- In the BIS Local Alias list, locate the BIS geodatabase connection you want to rename.
- Click the text box and type a new alias for the BIS geodatabase connection.
The new alias appears in the Manage Connections dialog box.
- Щелкните Закрыть (Close).