The Select Unverified Features tool searches for any unverified features in the entire workspace, regardless of what is actually loaded in the Table Of Contents window. If a layer that has unverified features is not loaded, the tool loads it automatically. The tool selects the unverified feature(s) in the Nautical dataset, the three deletes feature classes, and records in the PLTS_COLLECTIONS table.
You can use this tool to select unverified features during the quality control process so that you know what features have changed. You can do this on the Update tab of the Feature Manager window. For example, you can use this tool when you want to post data to the Default version, but there are unverified features that prevent you from posting; before posting, you can find all the verified features in the workspace and review them individually in the Browse Features window.
- Запустите ArcMap.
- В главном меню щелкните Настроить, > Панели инструментов, > Production Editing.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical.
- Щелкните кнопку Начать редактирование продукта
, расположенную на панели инструментов Редактирование продукта.
the Select Unverified Features button
on the Nautical toolbar.
The unverified features are selected. If there are no unverified features or collection records in the database, a message appears saying that there are no unverified features.