The Notes Editor tool allows you to add notes to selected features. This includes adding a note to multiple selected features within the same feature class. Features belong to different thematic layers, and the thematic layer determines which note table will store the note. The Notes Editor tool will add notes to the note tables in the edit workspace.
You must start editing to add notes.
- Запустите ArcMap.
- If necessary, set up the DNC production environment.
- Щелкните кнопку Начать редактирование продукта
, расположенную на панели инструментов Редактирование продукта.
- Select features to which you want to add notes.
- Click the Notes Editor button
on the Nautical DNC toolbar.
The Notes Editor dialog box appears.
- Click a feature ID in the tree on the left side of the Notes Editor dialog box to view notes associated with that feature.
- To add a note to a selected feature, use one of the following options:
To add a note to a single feature
Right-click the feature ID in the tree view to which you want to add a note and click Add\Edit Note.
To add a note to multiple features
Right-click the feature class in the tree view to which you want to add a note and click Add\Edit Note.
When adding a note to single features, if there are already notes.rat captured for the layer that is selected, a check box list and a text box are added to the middle pane in the Notes Editor dialog box. The middle pane is disabled if you are adding a note to a layer that doesn't contain any notes.
When adding a note to multiple features, if there are already notes.rat captured for the feature class that is selected, a check box list and a text box become visible in the Notes Editor dialog box.
Type the note text in the bottom text box and click Update.
The note moves to the top text box. The note's check box is checked, signifying that the text has been attached to the feature.
- Click Cancel to exit add/edit mode.