Доступно с лицензией Production Mapping.
Read/Write privileges are already assigned to all the product library tables, except the PL_PERMISSION, which doesn't need them. This is done when the product library is defined or upgraded. If a product library XML was imported into a geodatabase, or distributed, you need to re-create the CKB_USERS role and assign permissions in the new product library geodatabase.
The PL_PERMISSION table only needs read privileges assigned to it.
In pgAdmin or psql grant permissions to the product library workspace tables using roles.
- Revoke permissions granted directly to pmeditor, pmviewer users.
select 'REVOKE SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ' || tableowner || '.' || tablename || ' FROM prodlibuser;' AS sqltext from pg_tables where tableowner = 'prodlib';
- Grant permission to the roles.
role ckb_users select 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ' || tableowner || '.' || tablename || ' TO ckb_users;' AS sqltext from pg_tables where tableowner = 'prodlib'; REVOKE INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON PRODLIB.PL_PERMISSION FROM ckb_users;
- Grant roles to users.
prodlibuser GRANT ckb_users TO prodlibuser;