Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.
Compares the demographic profiles of two customer files and reports on the differences.
The report results are more easily interpreted using medians and averages.
arcpy.ba.CustomerDemographicComparisonReport(CustomerLayer, {UseSecondCustomerLayer}, UseSelectedCustomers, {SecondCustomerLayer}, {UseSelectedCustomersSelectedLayer}, InputBoundaryLayer, InputGeographyLevel, InputFieldsToProfile, ReportTitle, OutputFolder, {ReportFormats})
Параметр | Объяснение | Тип данных |
CustomerLayer | Select the primary customer layer to analyze. | Feature Layer |
UseSecondCustomerLayer (Дополнительный) | Select this option to compare the first Customer Layer with this layer in the report.
| Boolean |
UseSelectedCustomers | Select this option to compare the first Customer Layer against selected features of that same layer in the report.
| Boolean |
SecondCustomerLayer (Дополнительный) | The second customer layer used in the comparison report. | Feature Layer |
UseSelectedCustomersSelectedLayer (Дополнительный) | Select this option to compare the first Customer Layer with selected features of the second Customer Layer in the report.
| Boolean |
InputBoundaryLayer | The boundary file that defines the extent of the customers to be analyzed. | Feature Layer |
InputGeographyLevel | The input feature layer that contains the data that can be selected to be compared in the report. This will commonly be the Block Groups. | Feature Layer |
InputFieldsToProfile [InputFieldsToProfile,...] | Select from a list of available variables to compare. These variables are typically demographic variables. | Field |
ReportTitle | Enter the name of the report. | String |
OutputFolder | The file folder output path. | Folder |
ReportFormats (Дополнительный) | Select the desired report output format.
| String |
Пример кода
CustomerDemographicComparisonReport example (stand-alone script)
# Name: CustomerDemographicComparisonReport.py
# Description: Compares the current year total population and future year total population on selected customers from the San Francisco customer layer against the balance of that customer layer.
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.8\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define input and output parameters for the Customer Demographic Comparison Report tool
CustLayer = "C:/My Output Data/Projects/Default Project/CustLayers/sf_custs/CustomerLayer.shp"
Extent = "C:/My Output Data/Projects/Default Project/TradeAreas/Customer_Derived_TradeAreas.shp"
Geog = "C:/ArcGIS/Business Analyst/US_2022/Data/Demographic Data/BlockGroups_bg.bds"
ReportName = "Customer_Demo_Report"
ReportDir = "C:/My Output Data/Projects/Default Project/Reports/Customer Demographic Comparison Report"
# Create the Customer Demographic Comparison Report
# Release extension license
Параметры среды
Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки
Информация о лицензиях
- Basic: Требуется Business Analyst
- Standard: Требуется Business Analyst
- Advanced: Требуется Business Analyst