You can develop your own solutions, or install one or more of the Esri Mapping and Charting solutions, and add them to the product library. This provides you with a way to easily find the product you are working with in the Product Library tree view on the Product Library window. For example, if you install ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting, you could add Maritime Charting to your product library.
- Start ArcMap.
- Verify that you have specified a database to use as your product library.
- If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
- Right-click Products and click New Solution.
The New Solution dialog box appears.
- Click the cell next to Name.
The name is limited to 230 characters. Special characters are not valid entries.
- Double-click the existing text and type a name for the solution in the text box.
- Click the cell next to Alias.
- Type the name you want displayed in the tree view for the solution.
- Click the cell next to Description.
- Type a description for the new solution in the text box.
- Click the cell next to Visible.
- Click the drop-down arrow and choose an option to indicate whether the solution is going to be visible in the Product Library tree view.
The default value is False.
- Click OK to close the New Solution dialog box.
The solution appears in the Product Library tree view.