用于访问车辆配送 (VRP) 网络分析图层中的分析属性。GetSolverProperties 函数用于从车辆配送 (VRP) 网络分析图层中获取 VehicleRoutingProblemSolverProperties 对象。
VehicleRoutingProblemSolverProperties 对象提供对车辆配送 (VRP) 网络分析图层中所有分析属性的读取和写入权限。该对象可用于修改车辆配送 (VRP) 图层的分析属性,并可重新求解相应图层以确定合适结果。使用创建车辆配送图层地理处理工具可创建新的车辆配送图层。通过从新的车辆配送图层获取 VehicleRoutingProblemSolverProperties 对象,可重新对现有图层进行后续分析,而无需每次分析都创建一个新图层,以节省时间。
修改 VehicleRoutingProblemSolverProperties 对象的属性后,可立即使用其他函数和地理处理工具分析相应图层。无需刷新或更新图层,通过上述对象进行的修改便可生效。
属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
attributeParameters (可读写) | 用于获取或设置将在分析中使用的参数化属性。该属性返回一个 Python 字典。该字典关键字是由属性名称和参数名称这两个值组成的元组。字典中每个项目的值均为参数值。 参数化的网络属性用于对属性值的某个动态方面进行建模。例如,可使用某个参数对高度限制为 12 英尺的隧道进行建模。在这种情况下,应将以英尺为单位的车辆高度指定为参数值。如果车辆高度超过 12 英尺,此限制条件将评估为 True,从而限制车辆穿越隧道。类似的,桥梁还可以具有一个用来指定重量限制的参数。 尝试修改 attributeParameters 属性不会导致更新值。相反,您应始终使用新的字典对象来设置属性值。以下两个代码块将演示这两种方法的差异。
| Dictionary |
capacityCount (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the number of capacity constraint dimensions required to describe the relevant limits of the vehicles. | Integer |
defaultDate (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the implied date for time field values that don't have a date specified with the time. If a time field for an order object, such as TimeWindowStart1, has a time-only value, the date is assumed to be the defaultDate property value. For example, if an order has a TimeWindowStart1 value of 9:00 AM and the defaultDate is set to datetime.date(2012, 3, 6), then the entire time value for the field is 9:00 A.M., March 6, 2012. The default date has no effect on time field values that already have a date. The day of the week can also be specified as the default date using the following dates:
For example, to specify that the implied date for time field values should be Tuesday, specify the property value as 1/2/1900. | DateTime |
distanceAttribute (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the distance cost attribute used to define the length along the elements of the network. | String |
distanceFieldUnits (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the distance units used by distance fields of the analysis layer's sublayers and tables (network analysis classes). The unit does not have to be the same as the unit of the network cost attribute specified as the timeAttribute property value. The following is a list of possible values:
| String |
excessTransitTimeImportance (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the importance of reducing excess transit time. Excess transit time is the amount of time exceeding the time required to travel directly between the paired orders. The excess time results from breaks or travel to other orders or depots between visits to the paired orders. The following is a list of possible values:
| String |
outputPathShape (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the shape type for the route features that are output by the solver. The following is a list of possible values:
| String |
restrictions (可读写) | 用于获取或设置适用于分析的约束属性的列表。空列表 [] 表示没有约束属性用于分析。 | String |
solverName (只读) | Returns the name of the solver being referenced by the Network Analyst layer used to obtain the solver properties object. The property always returns the string value Vehicle Routing Problem Solver when accessed from a VehicleRoutingProblemSolverProperties object. | String |
timeAttribute (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the time-based network cost attribute used to define the traversal time along the elements of the network. This cost attribute is minimized by the solver while finding the solution. | String |
timeFieldUnits (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the time unit used by the temporal fields of the analysis layer's sublayers and tables (network analysis classes). The unit does not have to be the same as the unit of the network cost attribute specified as the timeAttribute property value. The following is a list of possible values:
| String |
timeWindowViolationImportance (可读写) | Provides the ability to get or set the importance of honoring time windows without causing violations. A time window violation occurs when a route arrives at an order, depot, or break after a time window has closed. The violation is the interval between the end of the time window and the arrival time of a route. The following is a list of possible values:
| String |
useHierarchy (可读写) | 当执行分析时控制等级属性的使用。以下是可能值列表:
| String |
uTurns (可读写) | 用于获取或设置策略,该策略指示求解程序如何处理停靠点之间的遍历网络期间所产生的交汇点处的 U 形转弯。以下是可能值列表:
| String |
方法 | 说明 |
applyTravelMode (travel_mode) | 根据出行模式对象更新网络分析图层的分析属性。随后可对更新的网络分析图层进行求解以完成分析。 |
applyTravelMode (travel_mode)
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
travel_mode | 该变量引用一个源自网络数据集的出行模式对象。可通过调用 arcpy.na.GetTravelModes 函数获得出行模式对象的列表。 | Object |
使用 applyTravelMode 方法,可一次性应用在一个出行模式中定义的所有分析设置。在分析属性完成更新后,可对网络分析图层进行求解以完成分析。
如果 travel_mode 参数不引用出行模式对象或字符串,则将产生 TypeError 异常。如果 travel_mode 参数引用字符串并且该字符串无法在内部转换成出行模式对象的有效字符串表示,将产生 ValueError 异常。
VehicleRoutingProblemSolverProperties 示例 1
该脚本显示如何更新 ArcMap 内容列表中现有车辆配送图层的距离属性、默认日期、交汇点的 U 形转弯和输出 Shape 类型属性。它假设已经在新地图文档中根据旧金山地区的网络数据集创建名为 Store Delivery Routes 的车辆配送图层。
#Get the vehicle routing problem layer object from a layer named
#"Store Delivery Routes" in the table of contents
vrpLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer("Store Delivery Routes")
#Get the solver properties object from the vehicle routing problem layer
solverProps = arcpy.na.GetSolverProperties(vrpLayer)
#Update the properties for the vehicle routing problem layer using the
#solver properties object
solverProps.distanceAttribute = "Meters"
#Set the default date to be Monday
solverProps.defaultDate = datetime.date(1900,1,1)
solverProps.uTurns = "NO_UTURNS"
solverProps.outputPathShape = "STRAIGHT_LINES"
ApplyTravelMode 示例 2(工作流)
#Import modules
import os
import arcpy
#Define variables
workspace = "C:/data/SanDiego.gdb"
output_folder = "C:/data/output"
nds = os.path.join(workspace, "Transportation", "Streets_ND")
orders = os.path.join(workspace, "Orders")
depots = os.path.join(workspace, "TruckDepots")
routes = os.path.join(workspace, "Drivers")
analysis_layer_name = "TruckRoutes"
#Set environment variables
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#Check out the network analyst extension
#Create a new closest facility analysis layer
make_layer_result = arcpy.na.MakeVehicleRoutingProblemLayer(nds, analysis_layer_name,
analysis_layer = make_layer_result.getOutput(0)
#Add orders, depots and routes to the analysis layer using default field mappings
sub_layer_names = arcpy.na.GetNAClassNames(analysis_layer)
order_layer_name = sub_layer_names["Orders"]
depot_layer_name = sub_layer_names["Depots"]
route_layer_name = sub_layer_names["Routes"]
arcpy.na.AddLocations(analysis_layer, order_layer_name, orders, "#", "#")
arcpy.na.AddLocations(analysis_layer, depot_layer_name, depots, "#", "#")
arcpy.na.AddLocations(analysis_layer, route_layer_name, routes, "#", "#")
#Get the Trucking Time travel mode from the network dataset
travel_modes = arcpy.na.GetTravelModes(nds)
trucking_mode = travel_modes["Trucking Time"]
#Apply the travel mode to the analysis layer
solver_properties = arcpy.na.GetSolverProperties(analysis_layer)
#Solve the analysis layer skipping any invalid orders and save the result as a layer file
arcpy.na.Solve(analysis_layer, "SKIP")
output_layer = os.path.join(output_folder, analysis_layer_name + ".lyr")
arcpy.management.SaveToLayerFile(analysis_layer, output_layer, "RELATIVE")