Helps generate and update LRS intersection point features.
This tool requires an ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced license.
Turn on Editor Tracking for the network and the intersecting layers. Editor tracking, in conjunction with the Start Time parameter, makes it possible to only update intersections that have changed since the Start Time provided by the user. Doing so may result in faster performance. For more information on the Editor Tracking tool, see Enable Editor Tracking.
Intersection Layer is a point feature class that stores the LRS intersections data. This feature class is updated as the result of running this tool.
Network Layer is a polyline feature class that stores the LRS network data. You can select routes from this feature class to update their intersections. Definition filters on the network layer are also considered when selecting routes with intersections that need updating.
The route selection or definition filters are only considered if a Network Layer is selected in the tool.
The Start Time is used to update route intersections and intersecting features that have been edited since this time. This option is only available for datasets that have Editor Tracking enabled. If Editor Tracking is not enabled in any of the intersecting layers, the intersections are updated for all the routes present in the dataset.
If the Lock Routes option is checked, routes for which intersections are being calculated will be locked. If not checked, no routes will be locked in support of calculating intersections. This option is only available for data in an enterprise geodatabase.
If the Lock Routes option is checked, routes for which intersections are being calculated will be available for locking by the current user in the current version.
With the Lock Routes option unchecked, you can periodically calculate the intersections in a publication dataset without locking them first.
If the Lock Routes option is unchecked and the routes aren't locked during intersection calculation, you are responsible for reconciling any intersection conflicts with the parent version. This is done by accepting (reconciling) route changes in the edit version from the parent and recalculating intersections using the Update Intersection Points tool.
The Lock Routes option also allows you to calculate intersections in the lock root version after posting. In this way, intersections are always calculated with the most recent routes without the need to lock routes or calculate intersections in edit versions that are the children of the lock root version. For more information on the lock root version, see Conflict prevention in Roads and Highways for Desktop.
If the Lock Intersecting Routes option is checked, all routes that intersect with routes for which intersections are being calculated will be locked. If this option is not checked, the routes will not be locked. This option is unavailable unless the Lock Routes option is checked. This option is only available for data in an enterprise geodatabase.
If the Lock Intersecting Routes option is checked, routes for which intersections are being calculated including their intersecting routes will be available for locking by the current user in the current version.
If the Lock Intersecting Routes option is unchecked, you have the option of not locking the routes that are intersecting with the routes for which intersections are being calculated. This reduces the number of locks needed to calculate intersections.
If the Lock Intersecting Routes option is unchecked, the intersecting routes aren't locked during the calculation. You are responsible for reconciling any intersection conflicts with the parent version. This can be achieved by accepting (reconciling) route changes in the edit version from the parent and recalculating intersections using the Update Intersection Points tool.
If the Only Calculate Intersections for Routes Edited by Me in the Current Version option is checked, only routes edited by the present user in the current version, as identified by ArcGIS Editor Tracking, will have intersections updated. For a dataset in a file geodatabase, the intersections are updated for routes that are edited by the current Windows user. Editor Tracking must be enabled for the network feature class to use this functionality.
The routes to be processed for updating the intersections are chosen on the basis of the route selection, route definition query, date selection, and the Only Calculate Intersections for Routes Edited by Me in the Current Version option. In other words, if you have provided for these four options, only the routes that fulfill all four conditions will be processed for updating intersections. Additionally, if the Lock Routes and Lock Intersecting Routes options are also checked, the selected routes will be available for locking for successfully running the tool.
If Editor Tracking is not enabled in an enterprise geodatabase, all routes edited in the selected version are processed if the Only Calculate Intersections for Routes Edited by Me in the Current Version option is checked.
Points that are not part of the intersecting layers are not updated using this tool.
When intersections are updated, the following situations can occur:
- New intersections are created—New intersections can be created due to edit activities such as creating a route, realigning a route, extending a route, reassigning a route, cartographic realignment, or other edit activities including non-LRS features such as railroads or political boundaries.
- Present intersections are retired—An intersection is retired with its ToDate field populated with the route's edit date due to realigning a route, retiring a route, reassigning a route, or other edit activities.
- Present intersections are moved—Intersections are moved due to cartographic realignment or edits of non-LRS features. In such cases, that intersection's location is changed, and the shape (point location) for the intersection is updated, maintaining the intersection ID. The intersections are not retired in this case. If a feature intersects a route in multiple locations and the intersection locations change, the original intersection closest to the new location determines where the intersection is moved.
- Present intersections are deleted—Intersections are deleted due to cartographic realignment or edits of non-LRS features. This occurs when the routes do not intersect the features anymore in any time range.
The following table shows the various scenarios when updating the intersections:
Edit activity Route and route intersection Route and non-LRS layer intersection Route edits
Retires the present intersections and/or creates new intersections
Retires the present intersections and/or creates new intersections
Cartographic realignment: Intersecting as a result
Moves the present intersections and/or creates new intersections
Moves the present intersections
Cartographic realignment: Not intersecting anymore
Deletes the present intersections
Deletes the present intersections
Non-LRS feature edited: Intersecting as a result
Moves the present intersections
Non-LRS feature edited: Not intersecting anymore
Deletes the present intersections
- When conflict prevention is enabled, the following are supported:
If a message appears that is related to acquiring locks or the need to reconcile, Roads and Highways conflict prevention is enabled. For more information about these messages, see Conflict prevention in Roads and Highways for Desktop.
- If conflict prevention has been enabled and an intersecting polygon feature such as a county boundary has been edited, you will be prompted to acquire locks for all the routes that intersect that polygon's boundary.
- If working in the lock root version, all the locks acquired by the tool to update the intersections will be released automatically.
- If working in a child version, all the locks acquired by the tool to update the intersections will remain.
UpdateIntersectionPoints_locref (in_intersection_layer, {in_network}, {in_start_time}, {in_lock_routes}, {in_lock_intersecting_routes}, {in_only_calculate_intersections_for_routes_edited_by_me_in_current_version})
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
in_intersection_layer | The LRS intersection feature class that needs to be updated. | Feature Layer |
in_network (可选) | The polyline feature class that stores the LRS network data. You can select routes from this feature class for which the intersections will be updated. Definition filters on the network layer are also considered when selecting the routes with intersections to be updated. | Feature Layer |
in_start_time (可选) | This value is used to update intersections for routes and intersecting features that have been edited since the start time for those layers that have editor tracking turned on. | Date |
in_lock_routes (可选) | Indicates whether routes for which intersections are being calculated will be locked.
| Boolean |
in_lock_intersecting_routes (可选) | Indicates whether all routes that intersect with routes for which intersections are being calculated will be locked.
| Boolean |
in_only_calculate_intersections_for_routes_edited_by_me_in_current_version (可选) | Only routes edited by the present user as indicated in Editor Tracking will have the intersections calculated for the current version of the data.
| Boolean |
UpdateIntersectionPoints example 1 (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the UpdateIntersectionPoints tool.
# tool variables
in_intersection_layer = "route_intersections"
in_start_time = "01/01/2012 02:10:32 AM"
# set current workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/Outputs.gdb"
# execute the tool
arcpy.UpdateIntersectionPoints_locref(in_intersection_layer, in_start_time)
UpdateIntersectionPoints example 2 (stand-alone script)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the UpdateIntersectionPoints tool in a stand-alone Python script.
# Name: UpdateIntersections_PyWin.py
# Description: Updates LRS intersection points
# Requirements: Esri Roads and Highways solution
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables
in_intersection_layer = "C:/RoadsAndHighways/Data/NY_data.gdb/LRSI_Routes_n_Counties"
in_start_time = "02/01/2013 02:10:32 AM"
# Process: Update Intersection Points
arcpy.UpdateIntersectionPoints_locref(in_intersection_layer, in_start_time )
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: 否
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: 否
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: 需要 Roads and Highways