When defining complex relationships, you might want to append collections that depict a smaller portion of a larger conceptual feature to the collection that represents that larger feature. For example, a collection that aggregates the features that constitute a traffic separation lane part may also need to play a role in a collection that captures the entire traffic scheme. Rather than selecting all features that make up the traffic separation lane part, you can just append the collection itself to the larger collection.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical.
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- Click the Relationship Manager button
on the Nautical toolbar.
The Relationship Manager window appears. It is blank by default.
- You can choose to customize your view. Go to Working with the Relationship Manager window for more information.
- Right-click the collection object you want to append and click Copy.
- Right-click the collection object you want to append to in the Relationship Manager window and click Append.
The collection object is listed as a component of the other collection object.