You can export content to the S-57 format after you have compiled the data for your new S-57 product or have made changes to the S-57 cell you imported. This can be accomplished using the Export Nautical Product command. The Export Nautical Product command builds and packages an S-57 file directly from the NIS database using the extraction queries for the product contained in the product library. The following processes will execute automatically.
- Extract data
- Clip data
- Group soundings
- Generate FE Name
- Generate or update primitives
- Calculate SCAMIN
The Export Nautical Product command will not create an S-57 file if changes are not detected in the database.
The export package is a versioned ZIP file that is stored and managed by the product library. It can be accessed in the Product Library window using the Manage Files command. The export package cannot be checked out by any user, including administrators. To access the export package, users must copy the file onto their local machine using the Get Local Copy command. Each package is given an edition and update number based on the export type. Users can access previous versions from this dialog box.
Defining the export type and attaching files
You can export the standard S-57 New Edition, Update, ReIssue, New Dataset, and Cancel files. In addition to packaging the S-57 file, the Export Nautical Product command allows you to attach files.
Choosing the export type
When numerous modifications or updates have been applied to a product, a hydrographic agency usually issues a new edition.
An update contains minor changes to a published product, such as the removal of a buoy symbol or moving a sounding depth from one place to another.
A ReIssue is a regenerated New Edition file that contains updates to a certain point in time. For example, a New Edition cell could have twenty updates applied to it since its creation. Instead of loading all twenty updates into an ECDIS or WECDIS, a ReIssue will be created that is a New Edition file that contains all twenty updates. The ReIssue file preserves the update number so subsequent updates can be applied to it.
The New Dataset option is available only after you use the New Nautical Product wizard to create your product. This option creates a New Edition .000 file with an edition number of 1.
When an S-57 cell is no longer in use, a Cancel dataset type is generated. The cancel file changes the Edition number back to 0. The Update number increments by 1 and only consists of the DSID meta header information.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- If you haven’t already, set your NIS workspace.
This property must be set before exporting.
Right-click the product you want to export to S-57 and click Export Nautical Product.
The ENC Export dialog box Export Information area appears.
- Click the Dataset Record Type drop-down arrow and choose the export type you want based on the descriptions from the S-57 Appendix B Product Specifications IHO document.
- New Edition—A new edition of a dataset, including new information that has not been previously distributed by updates.
- Update—Changes some information in a dataset.
- Reissue—A reissue of a dataset, including all the updates applied to the original dataset up to the date of the reissue. A reissue does not contain any new information that has not been previously issued by updates.
- New Dataset—A new dataset where no ENC data has previously been produced for this area and for the same navigational purpose.
- Cancel—To delete a dataset, an update cell file is created, containing only the Dataset General Information record with the Dataset Identifier (DSID) field. The Edition Number (EDTN) subfield must be set to 0.
- Click the ellipsis button (...) in the Export Location area and browse to the location where you want to store your package.
- Optionally skip the next section and click Next if you don't want to attach files.
Attaching files
You have the option to attach files to your package, such as a supporting text or image file.
- Click Add in the Attach Files area.
The Insert File dialog box appears.
- Browse to the location where the files you want to attach are stored.
- Choose the files you want to add.
- 单击打开。
- 单击下一步。
Adding metadata
You can view and modify your product's metadata values. The metadata is divided into two sections you can modify:
- Product level—Contains the DSID (Dataset Identification) and DSSI (Dataset Structure Information) fields found in an S-57 file. DSID provides information regarding the dataset's source and product description information. DSSI provides information concerning the structure of the dataset.
- Instance level—Contains the DSPM (Data Set Parameters) fields that allow you to define the types of measurement units and data used with the S-57 cell.
There are two nodes in the Metadata Viewer for product- and instance-level metadata. The Product-level metadata contains the DSID and DSSI metadata fields. The Instance-level metadata contains the DSPM metadata fields. The left side of the view shows the metadata fields and the right side shows the values. You can input new values in the fields that are not disabled.
The metadata options are different depending on the task you are performing. For example, if you are exporting a New Edition file, you can set the Vertical Datum; however, if you are exporting an Update file, you cannot change this value.
Product metadata (DSID and DSSI)
You can add a comment, edit the Issue Date for new editions, and edit the Update Application date for DSID. You can edit the ATTF and NATF lexical levels for DSSI.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Data Set Identification.
- If necessary, click the ellipsis button (...) next to Update Application Date and select your product's S-57 update application date.
- If necessary, click the ellipsis button (...) next to Issue Date and select your product's S-57 issue date.
- Click the cell next to ATTF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
- Specify the appropriate information.
Lexical levels 0 and 1 are supported per the S-57 IHO Transfer Standard Edition 3.1, part 3, section 2.4.
- Click the cell next to NATF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
- Specify the appropriate information.
Lexical levels 0, 1, and 2 are supported.
- Click Next if you are finished updating the metadata information or continue to update the instance metadata.
Instance metadata (DSPM)
You can define the types of measurement units and data used with the S-57 cell.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Dataset Structure Information.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Coordinate Multiplication factor and type the multiplication factor.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Compilation scale of data and add your S-57 product's compilation scale value.
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Sounding Datum and choose the appropriate sounding datum.
Viewing the S-57 export summary
You can review your export type and metadata entries before exporting your package.

- Scroll through the export summary and verify that your export type, export location, export version, and any attached files are correct.
- Review the metadata summary.
- If errors are found, click Back to go back and make any necessary changes.
- Once you have reviewed and made any necessary changes, click Finish.
A progress dialog box appears showing the export process. When the process completes, a path to your export package is listed.
- Click OK to close the progress dialog box.
You have now created an S-57 export package.