The Insert Scale Bar tool can be used to quickly and efficiently add up to three common nautical scale bars: Meters, Yards, and Nautical Miles. At map scales less than and equal to 1:10,000, two scale bars are drawn: Yards and Meters. At map scales greater than and equal to 1:10,001, three scale bars are drawn: Yards, Meters, and Nautical Miles. You must be in layout view, with the data frame properties set (proper coordinate system, scale, and reference scale).
- 启动 ArcMap。
- If necessary, click View > Layout View to switch to layout view.
If necessary, add the Insert Scale Bar command by doing the following:
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab.
- Choose Nautical Cartography in the Categories list.
- Drag the Insert Scale Bar command to a toolbar.
- Click Close.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
- Click the Insert Scale Bar button
The Yards and Meters scale bars are inserted if the map scale is less than or equal to 1:10,000. The Yards, Meters, and Nautical Miles scale bars are inserted if the map scale is greater than or equal to 1:10,001.
- Reposition the scale bars as needed.