Nautical topology uses geodatabase topology to ensure the data integrity of the nautical product. It has a large set of pre-configured individual topology rules, which satisfy some of the S-58 checks. For example, the topology checks ensure that land and depth areas don’t overlap one another. Nautical topology dataset exists in the ENC, AML, and IENC production databases; it is not implemented in the enterprise NIS database or Chart production database. The topology rules are based on S-57 objects. AML and IENC share objects with ENC and the same topology checks are configured for them for the shared objects.
Nautical topology must be validated to find errors for the configured rules. You may validate the nautical topology in your product using the tools on Topology toolbar as well as Validate Topology geoprocessing tool. Update Primitives also validates topology every time it is run.
- 启动 ArcMap。
Click the Add Data button
on the Standard toolbar.
- Navigate to the production database and add it to map.
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Topology.
- 可使用拓扑 工具条上的工具验证部分拓扑。
- 单击验证指定区域中的拓扑
- 单击验证当前范围中的拓扑
- 单击验证指定区域中的拓扑
- 单击拓扑 工具条上的错误检查器
- 您可以使用错误检查器 窗口查找错误和异常。
- 单击立即搜索。
- 单击错误检查器 列表中的错误或者使用修复拓扑错误工具在地图上单击该错误。
- 右键单击列表中或地图上的错误,然后单击其中一种可用的修复。列出的修复取决于错误类型。
- 再次验证拓扑以确保编辑内容正确无误。