获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。
When you are creating features and modifying data, there are times when you want to be able to snap to the nearest vertex, edge, or endpoint to ensure that the feature's appearance or geometry is correct. Customarily, only x- and y-values are used to determine snapping behavior, but z-enabled features can also use snapping during an edit session. When a feature is snapped to an x,y position, the z-value for the position is set as the current z-value, which ensures that the newly created feature is coincident with the existing feature in all three dimensions.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- If necessary, load z-enabled data in the map.
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- 如有必要,可以通过单击生产编辑 > 使用经典捕捉来启用生产编辑工具条上的经典捕捉。
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- On the Production Editing toolbar, click Production Editing > Snapping Window.
The Snapping Environment window appears.
- If necessary, dock the window in ArcMap.
- Check the check boxes next to the layers you want to configure for snapping.
- On the Production Editing toolbar, click Production Editing > Production Z Snapping Window.
The Production Z Snapping window appears. The layers with options specified in the Snapping Environment window are available to choose.
- Check the check boxes next to the layers with which you want to use snapping with z-values.