获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。
Importing data from other sources can introduce geometry that ArcGIS does not support, such as polygons with areas smaller than the precision of the geodatabase. The Null Feature Remover command checks the length and area fields, where applicable, of feature classes in the table of contents. If the field is populated with a zero or null value, that feature is removed from the database.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 如有必要,可在地图中加载数据。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- Add the Null Feature Remover tool by doing the following:
- Click Customize > Customize Mode on the main menu.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab.
- In the Categories list, click Production Editing.
- Click and drag Null Feature Remover to a toolbar.
- 单击关闭。
- Click Customize > Customize Mode on the main menu.
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- Click Null Feature Remover.
A message box appears that indicates how many features were deleted.
- 单击确定。