获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。
When editing features, it may be necessary to refine a feature's appearance by either generalizing or smoothing. With the Production Generalize And Smooth tool, you can define the tolerances to be used when generalizing and smoothing features. Additionally, Production Generalize And Smooth allows you to apply multiple iterations of the generalize and smooth operations.
Generalize simplifies the shape of a feature and can create straight lines and corners, while smooth is used to smooth straight lines and angular corners of features. The best results may be accomplished by applying multiple iterations of generalize and smooth.
The Production Generalize And Smooth tool allows you to work with individual features or multiple features that share a topology edge. When the generalize and smooth operations are applied to a selected feature, only that feature is modified. When you select a topology edge, all features that share the edge are modified the same way to ensure that coincidence between the features is maintained. You can use either a geodatabase or map topology.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 如有必要,可在地图中加载数据。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 高级生产编辑。
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- If necessary, create a map topology or choose a stored topology with which you want to work.
- Click the Production Generalize And Smooth button
on the Production Editing Advanced toolbar.
The Production Generalize & Smooth Tool dialog box appears.
- Select features to edit using one of the following tools:
- You can use the Select Features tool
to select either simple features or features that participate in a topology.
- When working with a topology, you can use the Topology Edit tool
to select the specific edges to modify.
- You can use the Select Features tool
- Type a value in the Maximum Offset text box.
- Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a unit of measurement for the offset.
- Click the Algorithm drop-down arrow and choose a feature modification type.
- Smooth—Smooths sharp angles and lines of a feature
- Generalize—Simplifies the geometry of a feature
- G-S-G-S—Generalizes, smooths, regeneralizes, and resmooths the lines of a feature (This prevents the features from having sharp corners and straight edges in them.)
- G-S-G—Generalizes, smooths, and regeneralizes the lines of a feature (This method may leave short corners in the feature.)
- Click the Topology drop-down arrow to choose the topology.
- None—No topology is used. Selected features are modified independently of each other.
- Stored Topology—If you choose a stored topology, only the selected features that participate in the topology are modified, and edge coincidence is preserved.
- Map—If you choose a map topology, all selected features and edges are modified, and edge coincidence is preserved.
- Click Apply to accept the modified features or edges.
- Click Cancel when you are finished modifying the features.