获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。
The layers in the table of contents can be sorted alphabetically, in ascending or descending order. Ascending order sorts the layers in order from A to Z, while descending order sorts the layers in order from Z to A. Sorting the layers alphabetically overrides their display by geometry type. For instance, if the layers in the table of contents are sorted in alphabetical order, the point, line, and polygon layers will no longer be grouped together in the table of contents. This also changes the way the layers are displayed in the map, because a point layer could be beneath a polygon layer in alphabetical order.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 如有必要,可在地图中加载数据。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产 TOC 管理器。
- Click the Sort TOC In Alphabetical Ascending Order button
on the Production TOC Manager toolbar to sort the table of contents in ascending alphabetical order.
- Click the Sort TOC In Alphabetical Descending Order button
on the Production TOC Manager toolbar to sort the table of contents in descending alphabetical order.