获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。
When images, such as aerial photography, DEMs, or rasters, are loaded in the map, you may want to temporarily hide the other layers in the map so you can view the imagery. For instance, if you have a DEM loaded in ArcMap, several layers could overlay it and obstruct it in the map. By hiding the layers, you can see the full extent of the image.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 如有必要,可在地图中加载数据。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产 TOC 管理器。
- Click the Toggle Feature Layers button
on the Production TOC Manager toolbar.
The layers in the table of contents are hidden, and the appearance of the Toggle Feature Layers button changes.
- Click the Toggle Feature Layers button
on the Production TOC Manager toolbar again to show the layers.