图层依赖于要素类扩展,而且您正将图层发布到 ArcGIS Online 托管服务。为了使图层按照预期工作,还必须在服务器上注册类扩展。ArcGIS Online 托管服务不支持类扩展。
- 从文档中移除该图层。
- 将图层发布到 ArcGIS Online 托管服务以外的服务器上,并确保在此服务器上注册了相应的类扩展。
ArcGIS Online 允许您将 GIS Web 服务发布到由 Esri 管理的云环境。不必安装任何程序;只需登录到您的 ArcGIS Online 帐户。
- Feature services expose the geometry, attributes, and symbol information for vector GIS features. They are appropriate for displaying, querying, and editing your business data on top of web basemaps.
- Tiled map services expose a set of pregenerated map images (known as a map cache) that can be viewed as basemaps in a web mapping application. When you publish your map to ArcGIS Online hosted services, you can also ask the server to create and store a cache of tiles. You can then bring the tiles into your web map by accessing the service's URL.
Using a combination of tiled map services and feature services in your application allows fast mapping while supporting query and editing operations.
ArcGIS Online 托管服务可通过组织订阅 ArcGIS Online 获得。使用 ArcGIS Online 的优势在于不必安装任何服务器软件或调整服务。