获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。
Imports an entire territory hierarchy from a territories database.
The fields for importing territories hierarchy from database and level names must be specified in format: Name Field {ID Field} {Level Name}; ...
- Levels must be defined in the control from bottom to top levels. For instance, Territories, Regions, Areas…
- Name Field – database field of territory names. Imported territories will have names stored in this field. This is a required parameter.
- ID Field – database field of territory IDs. Imported territories will have IDs stored in this field. This is an optional parameter. The pound sign "#", can be specified when using territory names as IDs instead.
- Level Name – the name of the specified level. This is an optional parameter. The pound sign "#", can be specified when using default level names read from an ATDConfig.xml file instead.
A String, Integer, SmallInteger, Double, Single, Date, OID, GlobalID, GUID, XML field of Alignment Layer can be used as the Alignment Layer’s Join Field
A String, Integer, SmallInteger, Double, Single, Date, OID, GlobalID, GUID, XML field of Alignment Layer can be used as the database’s Join Field
arcpy.td.ImportTerritoriesFromDatabase_TD(in_territory_solution_layer, in_database, in_fields_map, {in_al_join_field}, {in_table_join_field})
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
in_territory_solution_layer | The Territory Solution layer to where to import territories. | GP TD Layer |
in_database | The Table with the territories hierarchy data. | Table |
in_fields_map [in_fields_map,...] | The Fields for importing territories hierarchy from database and level names. | Fields Map |
in_al_join_field (可选) | The Field in the Alignment Layer with which to join an imported table. | Field |
in_table_join_field (可选) | The Field in an imported table with which to join the Alignment Layer. | Field |
ImportTerritoriesFromDatabase example (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the tool in immediate mode.
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.ImportTerritoriesFromDatabase_TD("new layer", "C:/Data/TerritoryHierarchy.dbf", "Territorie Territo_ID Territories;Regions Regions_ID Regions", "ID", "ID")
ImportTerritoriesFromDatabase example 2 (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the tool.
# Import system modules
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
# Set local variables
solution = "new layer"
database = "C:/Data/TerritoryHierarchy.dbf"
fieldsMap = "Territory Territory_ID Territories;Regions Regions_ID Regions"
alJoinField = "ID"
dbJoinField = "ID"
# Execute tool
gp.ImportTerritoriesFromDatabase_TD(solution, database, fieldsMap, alJoinField, dbJoinField)
- Basic: 需要 Business Analyst
- Standard: 需要 Business Analyst
- Advanced: 需要 Business Analyst