获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。
Allows the setup of a Territory Extent by using the boundary of a polygonal layer.
The Territory Extent hides part of the Territory Hierarchy by limiting the geometry extent.
- Features having geometries not relevant to the Territory Extent settings will not be affected during territory level operation changes (Create, Balance, Improve and so on).
- Out-of-Extent features can be changed only during whole Territory Hierarchy or Territory Solution operation changes (Remove Out-of-Extent Territories, Import Territories From Database, Remove Territory Level and so on).
arcpy.td.SetupExtentByBoundaryOfLayer_TD(in_territory_solution_layer, In_boundary_layer, in_extent_calc_method)
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
in_territory_solution_layer | The Territory Solution layer to which the Territory Extent geometry is applied. | GP TD Layer |
In_boundary_layer | The area to be limited by the boundary layer selected from this control. | Feature Layer |
in_extent_calc_method | The method for calculating the Territory extent.
| String |
SetupExtentByBoundaryOfLayer example (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the tool in immediate mode.
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.SetupExtentByBoundaryOfLayer_TD("new layer", "C:/Boundary layer", "GEOMETRY_CENTROID_CONTAINED_WITHIN_EXTENT")
SetupExtentByBoundaryOfLayer example2 (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the tool.
# Import system modules
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
# Set local variables
solution = "new layer"
layer = "C:/Boundary layer"
# Execute tool
gp.SetupExtentByBoundaryOfLayer_TD(solution, layer, method)
- Basic: 需要 Business Analyst
- Standard: 需要 Business Analyst
- Advanced: 需要 Business Analyst