Class AddField

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddField
extends AbstractGPTool

Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class, feature layer, raster catalog, and/or rasters with attribute tables. The Add Field tool is contained in the Data Management Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Add Field tool with defaults.
AddField(java.lang.Object inTable, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String fieldType)
          Creates the Add Field tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getFieldAlias()
          Returns the Field Alias parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.String getFieldDomain()
          Returns the Field Domain parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.String getFieldIsNullable()
          Returns the Field IsNullable parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.String getFieldIsRequired()
          Returns the Field IsRequired parameter of this tool .
 int getFieldLength()
          Returns the Field Length parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.String getFieldName()
          Returns the Field Name parameter of this tool .
 int getFieldPrecision()
          Returns the Field Precision parameter of this tool .
 int getFieldScale()
          Returns the Field Scale parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.String getFieldType()
          Returns the Field Type parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.Object getInTable()
          Returns the Input Table parameter of this tool .
 java.lang.Object getOutTable()
          Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool (Read only).
 java.lang.String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 java.lang.String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 java.lang.String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 void setFieldAlias(java.lang.String fieldAlias)
          Sets the Field Alias parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldDomain(java.lang.String fieldDomain)
          Sets the Field Domain parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldIsNullable(java.lang.String fieldIsNullable)
          Sets the Field IsNullable parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldIsRequired(java.lang.String fieldIsRequired)
          Sets the Field IsRequired parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldLength(int fieldLength)
          Sets the Field Length parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Sets the Field Name parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldPrecision(int fieldPrecision)
          Sets the Field Precision parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldScale(int fieldScale)
          Sets the Field Scale parameter of this tool .
 void setFieldType(java.lang.String fieldType)
          Sets the Field Type parameter of this tool .
 void setInTable(java.lang.Object inTable)
          Sets the Input Table parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AddField()
Creates the Add Field tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public AddField(java.lang.Object inTable,
                java.lang.String fieldName,
                java.lang.String fieldType)
Creates the Add Field tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inTable - the input table to which the specified field will be added. The field will be added to the existing input table and will not create a new output table. fields can be added to feature classes of ArcSDE, file or personal geodatabases, coverages, shapefiles, raster catalogs, stand-alone tables, rasters with attribute tables, and/or layers.
fieldName - the name of the field that will be added to the Input Table.
fieldType - the field type used in the creation of the new field.
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getInTable()
Returns the Input Table parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table to which the specified field will be added. The field will be added to the existing input table and will not create a new output table. fields can be added to feature classes of ArcSDE, file or personal geodatabases, coverages, shapefiles, raster catalogs, stand-alone tables, rasters with attribute tables, and/or layers. This is a required parameter.

the Input Table


public void setInTable(java.lang.Object inTable)
Sets the Input Table parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table to which the specified field will be added. The field will be added to the existing input table and will not create a new output table. fields can be added to feature classes of ArcSDE, file or personal geodatabases, coverages, shapefiles, raster catalogs, stand-alone tables, rasters with attribute tables, and/or layers. This is a required parameter.

inTable - the input table to which the specified field will be added. The field will be added to the existing input table and will not create a new output table. fields can be added to feature classes of ArcSDE, file or personal geodatabases, coverages, shapefiles, raster catalogs, stand-alone tables, rasters with attribute tables, and/or layers.


public java.lang.String getFieldName()
Returns the Field Name parameter of this tool . This parameter is the name of the field that will be added to the Input Table. This is a required parameter.

the Field Name


public void setFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
Sets the Field Name parameter of this tool . This parameter is the name of the field that will be added to the Input Table. This is a required parameter.

fieldName - the name of the field that will be added to the Input Table.


public java.lang.String getFieldType()
Returns the Field Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is the field type used in the creation of the new field. This is a required parameter.

the Field Type


public void setFieldType(java.lang.String fieldType)
Sets the Field Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is the field type used in the creation of the new field. This is a required parameter.

fieldType - the field type used in the creation of the new field.


public int getFieldPrecision()
Returns the Field Precision parameter of this tool . This parameter is describes the number of digits that can be stored in the field. All digits are counted no matter what side of the decimal they are on. if the input table is a personal or file geodatabase the field precision value will be ignored. This is an optional parameter.

the Field Precision


public void setFieldPrecision(int fieldPrecision)
Sets the Field Precision parameter of this tool . This parameter is describes the number of digits that can be stored in the field. All digits are counted no matter what side of the decimal they are on. if the input table is a personal or file geodatabase the field precision value will be ignored. This is an optional parameter.

fieldPrecision - describes the number of digits that can be stored in the field. All digits are counted no matter what side of the decimal they are on. if the input table is a personal or file geodatabase the field precision value will be ignored.


public int getFieldScale()
Returns the Field Scale parameter of this tool . This parameter is sets the number of decimal places stored in a field. This parameter is only used in Float and Double data field types. if the input table is a personal or file geodatabase the field scale value will be ignored. This is an optional parameter.

the Field Scale


public void setFieldScale(int fieldScale)
Sets the Field Scale parameter of this tool . This parameter is sets the number of decimal places stored in a field. This parameter is only used in Float and Double data field types. if the input table is a personal or file geodatabase the field scale value will be ignored. This is an optional parameter.

fieldScale - sets the number of decimal places stored in a field. This parameter is only used in Float and Double data field types. if the input table is a personal or file geodatabase the field scale value will be ignored.


public int getFieldLength()
Returns the Field Length parameter of this tool . This parameter is the length of the field being added. This sets the maximum number of allowable characters for each record of the field. This option is only applicable on fields of type text or blob. This is an optional parameter.

the Field Length


public void setFieldLength(int fieldLength)
Sets the Field Length parameter of this tool . This parameter is the length of the field being added. This sets the maximum number of allowable characters for each record of the field. This option is only applicable on fields of type text or blob. This is an optional parameter.

fieldLength - the length of the field being added. This sets the maximum number of allowable characters for each record of the field. This option is only applicable on fields of type text or blob.


public java.lang.String getFieldAlias()
Returns the Field Alias parameter of this tool . This parameter is the alternate name given to the field name. This name is used to give more descriptive names to cryptic field names. The field alias parameter only applies to geodatabases and coverages. This is an optional parameter.

the Field Alias


public void setFieldAlias(java.lang.String fieldAlias)
Sets the Field Alias parameter of this tool . This parameter is the alternate name given to the field name. This name is used to give more descriptive names to cryptic field names. The field alias parameter only applies to geodatabases and coverages. This is an optional parameter.

fieldAlias - the alternate name given to the field name. This name is used to give more descriptive names to cryptic field names. The field alias parameter only applies to geodatabases and coverages.


public java.lang.String getFieldIsNullable()
Returns the Field IsNullable parameter of this tool . This parameter is a geographic feature where there is no associated attribute information. These are different from zero or empty fields and are only supported for fields in a geodatabase. This is an optional parameter.

the Field IsNullable


public void setFieldIsNullable(java.lang.String fieldIsNullable)
Sets the Field IsNullable parameter of this tool . This parameter is a geographic feature where there is no associated attribute information. These are different from zero or empty fields and are only supported for fields in a geodatabase. This is an optional parameter.

fieldIsNullable - a geographic feature where there is no associated attribute information. These are different from zero or empty fields and are only supported for fields in a geodatabase.


public java.lang.String getFieldIsRequired()
Returns the Field IsRequired parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies whether the field being created is a required field for the table; only supported for fields in a geodatabase. This is an optional parameter.

the Field IsRequired


public void setFieldIsRequired(java.lang.String fieldIsRequired)
Sets the Field IsRequired parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies whether the field being created is a required field for the table; only supported for fields in a geodatabase. This is an optional parameter.

fieldIsRequired - specifies whether the field being created is a required field for the table; only supported for fields in a geodatabase.


public java.lang.String getFieldDomain()
Returns the Field Domain parameter of this tool . This parameter is used to constrain the values allowed in any particular attribute for a table, feature class, or subtype in a geodatabase. You must specify the name of an existing domain for it to be applied to the field. This is an optional parameter.

the Field Domain


public void setFieldDomain(java.lang.String fieldDomain)
Sets the Field Domain parameter of this tool . This parameter is used to constrain the values allowed in any particular attribute for a table, feature class, or subtype in a geodatabase. You must specify the name of an existing domain for it to be applied to the field. This is an optional parameter.

fieldDomain - used to constrain the values allowed in any particular attribute for a table, feature class, or subtype in a geodatabase. You must specify the name of an existing domain for it to be applied to the field.


public java.lang.Object getOutTable()
Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool (Read only). This is an derived parameter.

the Output Feature Class


public java.lang.String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public java.lang.String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public java.lang.String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias