ArcGIS for Maritime : Bathymétrie is an ArcGIS for Desktop component to manage post-processed bathymetric data and metadata. The product manages gridded and vector data from a central geodatabase, referred to as the Bathymetric Information System (BIS). Leverage the BIS to interact with and manage large volumes of rasters and points using the ArcGIS for Desktop platform.
The Bathymetry Solution manages your bathymetric data, stored locally or on a shared network drive, which can then be resourced to create a composite surface model. This composite surface model can be used as a source to create 3D point data for navigational products, to spatially analyze the surface with the Extension ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, or to share content over the web as an image service.
Before the bathymetric data is managed by the BIS geodatabase, you can define additional metadata items and assign them to each dataset to be managed by the system. Querying filters can be defined based on the metadata values, which are used to identify the specific datasets needed to include in the surface model. Sorting rules, also based on the metadata values, can be configured to determine the dataset rendering order in the composite surface model. Finally, the composite surface model is stored in a workspace of your choice and can be referenced in any of the geoprocessing tools or shared over the web as an image service.
Raster data management
- Reference externally stored raster data in a mosaic dataset, eliminating the need to duplicate raster data storage between a geodatabase and a file system.
- Manage survey metadata and ancillary information about the hydrographic survey, such as survey area, data collection equipment, survey vessel, tidal adjustment reports, sound velocity cast reports, survey logs, and other supporting information. Metadata is completely configurable to fit any information an organization captures.
- View and use any existing internal metadata for Bathymetric Attributed Grids (.bag files).
Point data management
- Reference externally-stored geodatabase point feature classes and create proxy rasters to visualize and manage with other raster datasets using mosaic dataset technology.
- Associate extended metadata information about each dataset, customized to meet any organization’s needs.
- Extract points from the BIS geodatabase composite surface models linked to their original datasets, simplifying point management.
Data querying and sorting
- Filter and visualize data within ArcMap using the Explore Bathymetry window.
- Generate custom surfaces interactively using combinations of attribute or spatial filters within the Compose Surface window.
- Prioritize the ordering of information to display the newest or most accurate data, for example, at the top of the surface in areas of overlap.