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The Data Items tab shows all the data items you are licensed to append to your file. The left column shows the available items, and the right column shows the items you have selected.

Select Items to Append
The Select Items to Append dialog shows the items available for appending and the Selected Items. For large files with hundreds of thousands, or millions, of records you have the option to utilize a File Geodatabase (GDB) and bulk data enrichment by clicking the Use Bulk Data Enrichment check box.
Available variables
Basic Variables
The following is an explanation of each of the data items under Basic Variables.
- Geocode (FIPS Code)—Up to 12-digit string showing the census geography for the current record. The geocode is in the following format:
- 1–2—State FIPS Code
- 3–5—County FIPS Code
- 6–11—Census Tract/BNA
- 12—Block Group
- Geocode Level
- G—Block Group
- T—Tract
- X—No geocode
- Match Code—Match codes (MATCH_CODE) detail the known qualities about the geocode. A location code has 5 characters. The first character indicates whether some part of the address was matched into one of four locator files (one of five locator files if the ZIP+4 option is used). The second character indicates which of the locator files the address was matched to. The third through fifth characters indicate how well the address match into the locator specified by the character in position 2.
- 1st Character (Status)
- M—Record was matched to a locator file.
- U—No match was possible.
- 2nd Character (Location Name)
- A—Address Points Locator: Indicates a match to the HERE Address Points database. Census Block ID and latitude/longitude coordinates are accurate to the address level.
- S—Street Address Locator: Indicates a match to the street address. Census Block ID and latitude/longitude coordinates are accurate to the street level.
- 4—ZIP+4 Locator: Where Zip4 type = 1: Indicates a match to the ZIP+4 centroid. Census Block ID and latitude/longitude coordinates represent the centroid of the ZIP+4.
- N—Street Name Locator: Indicates a match to the street name. Census Block ID and latitude-longitude coordinates are accurate to the midpoint of the street segment.
- 2—ZIP+4 Locator: Where Zip4 type = 2: Indicates a match to the ZIP+2 centroid. No Census Block ID is available for this location. Latitude and longitude coordinates represent the centroid of the ZIP+2.
- Z—ZIP Code Locator: Indicates a match to the 5-digit ZIP Code. No Census Block ID is available for this location. Latitude and longitude coordinates represent the centroid of the 5-digit ZIP Code.
- C—City Locator: Indicates a match to just the city. No Census Block ID is available for this location. Latitude and longitude coordinates represent the centroid of the city.
- X—Indicates a record that could not be matched by any of the locators.
- Characters 3-5 (Score) 000–100—The score is a value assigned to all potential candidates of an address match. The match score is based on how well the locations found in the reference data match the address data being searched. A score can range from 0 to 100, with 100 being a perfect match.
- 1st Character (Status)
- Complete Address Line—Address Coder will append the standardized address information.
- Complete Last Line of Address—Address Coder will append the standardized city, state, and ZIP Code information.
- State FIPS Code—The state's 2-digit FIPS Code will be appended to each record.
- County FIPS Code—Append the county's 5-digit FIPS Code.
- Census Tract—Append the 11-character census tract code (state FIPS/county FIPS/tract with no decimal point).
- CBSA Code—Append a 5-digit CBSA code indicating the Core Based Statistical Area in which the address lies. Current definitions are from the latest revisions released in 2010. In order to append the code to all possible records, it is required that the GeoFix check box be checked.
- Distance to Site—Distance this address is from the site location specified on the Processing Options tab under Append Closest to Site. A longitude and latitude must be supplied.
- Closest Site—The ID of the site closest to this address. The Site List is specified on the Processing Options tab under Append Closest to Site.
- Locator Name—Description of the locator used for this address—for example, Address_points, Street_Address, Zipcode, or Zip4 (if available).
- Status —A code indicating whether the address was matched. This attribute has values of M for matched addresses, U for unmatched addresses, and T (tied) for addresses for which there was more than one candidate with the best match score.
- Score—The match score of the candidate to which the address was matched.
- Longitude—The longitude position of the address.
- Latitude—The latitude position of the address.
- Matched Address—The address where the matched location actually resides based on the information of the matched candidate. For example, an input address of 123 Main St N is matched to a candidate with the suffix direction NW and all other components matched correctly. The Match_addr field will contain 123 Main St NW as the actual address that was matched.
- Side—The side of the street to which an address was matched—for example, if the address locator that was used to match the table contains address information for both sides of the street. This attribute has values of L for the left side of the street, R for the right side of the street, or nothing if the address locator could not determine the side of the street.
Tapestry Variables
The following is an explanation of each of the data items under Tapestry Variables.

- Tapestry Segment Number—A number value between 1-68representing the alphabetical order of the Tapestry Code.
- Tapestry Code and Description—This check box is not checked by default. A 2-digit alphanumeric code representing 1 of 68 consumer segments is added. If this check box is checked, the Customer Tapestry Profile will be produced. The program will prompt you for the base to use on your report. You have the option of appending the 2-character Tapestry Code, the full 30-character description, or both. Additionally, you can create a .csv file that will contain the Tapestry information found on the 2nd Tapestry Report page. You may also display this file in Notepad once processing is complete.
- Tapestry Match Level—Add Tapestry to the existing Match Level.
- Tapestry LifeMode Code—Append the 2 or 3 character LifeMode code.
- Tapestry LifeMode Description—Append the LifeMode long descriptive name.
- Tapestry Urbanization Code—Append the 2 character Urbanization code.
- Tapestry Urbanization Description—Append the Urbanization long descriptive name.
Use Bulk Data Enrichment

This option is meant to be used on large files (Hundreds of thousand or millions of records) to which the user wants to append data. In order to use this feature the user must first create a File Geodatabase (GDB) with a block group feature class boundary layer. This input file can be created by using the File > Create Bulk Data Enrichment option found under the main menu.