A common task when labeling streets is to label the street address ranges. To do this, you must create label classes for the to address range and from address range and create label expressions for each consisting of the addresses for the left and right sides of the streets. Then use the Maplex Label Engine's Street Address Placement style to place the labels.
The image below shows the streets labeled with their address ranges using the Street Address Placement style.

Create label classes for the to and from address ranges and follow the steps below for each label class:
- Enable the Maplex Label Engine.
- Set the label placement style to Street Address Placement.
- Create a label expression for the left- and right-side addresses.
The label expression for the To address range label class will be as follows:
The label expression for the From address range label class will be the following:[Left_to_address_field] & "/" & [Right_to_address_field]
[Left_from_address_field] & "/" & [Right_from_address_field]
- Change the leading value for the text symbol. The image above uses a value of 3.5 to push the labels to either side of the street casing.
- Turn on label stacking. Stack on the forward slash (/) character, uncheck the Visible check box, then check the Forced Split check box.
- Set up the label offset.
The offset parameters for the To address range label class will be these:
- Position label—Along the line from end
- Measure to—Nearest side of label
- Distance—Variable (3 points used in image above)
- Tolerance—Variable (5 points used in image above)
The offset parameters for the From address range label class will be as follows:
- Position label—Along the line from start
- Measure to—Nearest side of label
- Distance—Variable (3 points used in image above)
- Tolerance—Variable (5 points used in image above)
Check the Use line direction check box.