Before preparing your data for loading into the parcel fabric, you need to set up your parcel fabric data model. The parcel fabric data model will determine what attribute fields need to be created, mapped, calculated, and loaded. First, create your parcel fabric. Then extend the parcel fabric data model by adding attribute fields and tables that represent data in your organization.
In the United States, you can extend the parcel fabric data model with the Local Government Information Model(LGIM). When enabling the parcel fabric with the LGIM, all the necessary fields and tables required for parcel editing in the United States are automatically added to the parcel fabric. To use the LGIM, enable it on your parcel fabric. You will map your attribute fields in your source data to the attribute fields in the LGIM-enabled parcel fabric. If necessary, add any additional attribute fields to the parcel fabric tables that are in your source data but not represented in the LGIM-enabled parcel fabric.
If you are using your own data model, you need to map your attribute fields to the system fields in the parcel fabric Parcels table. If you have attribute fields that are not represented by the parcel fabric system fields, you need to add those same attribute fields to the parcel fabric tables for those attributes to load successfully.
Learn more about parcel fabric system fields
In the next step, you will set up a data migration staging environment.