The following steps outline how you can create a new route feature class using the Create Routes geoprocessing tool.
- Click Geoprocessing > Search For Tools.
- Under System Toolboxes, click Linear Referencing Tools.
- Click the Create Routes tool.
- Type the file name and path in theInput Line Featurestext box, click the browse button to specify the input features, or click the drop-down arrow to choose a layer.
- Click the Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the route identifier field.
- Type the file name and path in theOutput Route Feature Class or click the browse button to specify the output location.
- Click the Measure Source drop-down arrow and click the option from which you want the output route measures to be obtained.
- For point events, click the Measure drop-down arrow and click the Measure field.
- Optionally, click the Coordinate Priority drop-down arrow and click a coordinate priority. This becomes active when a measure source is LENGTH or ONE_FIELD.
- Click OK to execute the tool.
For line events, click the From-Measure drop-down arrow and click the from-measure field. Click the To-Measure drop-down arrow and click the to-measure field.
Related topics
- An overview of creating route feature classes
- Using existing linear features to create routes
- About calibrating route measures using points
- About calibrating routes with points
- About creating route feature classes
- Defining the measure properties of your m-coordinates
- Migrating route features to a geodatabase