One of the ways to interact with your layer display is through the use of the Effects toolbar.

Accessing the Effects toolbar
Click Customize > Toolbars > Effects on the main menu.
Display options on the Effects toolbar
The following display options are available on the Effects toolbar.
- Adjust Contrast
—Adjusts the contrast of the selected layer.
- Adjust Brightness
—Adjusts the brightness of the selected layer.
- Adjust Transparency
—Adjusts the selected layer's transparency.
- Adjust Dim Level
—Allows you to set a dim level for a map layer that enables other layers to take visual precedence. Dim is only available for basemap layers.
- Swipe Layer
—Allows you to use the swipe tool to interactively peel the selected layer back and see underneath it.
- Flicker Layer
—Allows you to have the layer blink off and on continuously. Enter the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) that define the flicker rate.