- DMCii
- DubaiSat-2
- GeoEye-1
- GF-1 PMS
- GF-1 WFV
- GF-2 PMS
- GF-4
- HJ 1A/1B CCD
- Jilin-1
- Landsat 1–5 MSS
- Landsat 4–5 TM
- Landsat 7 ETM+
- Landsat 8
- Pléiades
- QuickBird
- RapidEye
- Sentinel-1
- Sentinel-2
- SPOT 5
- SPOT 6 and SPOT 7
- TH-01
- WorldView-1
- WorldView-2
- WorldView-3
- WorldView-4
- ZY02C HRC raster type
- ZY02C PMS raster type
There are many satellite sensor products to choose from, and each has properties that can be refined to modify the processing applied to the imagery when it's added to a mosaic dataset. There are several defaults, but you can further modify these and save them for your own use at another time.
Each raster type below can be refined by defining the product type. You have the option to add all product types if you are unfamiliar with your data. This adds all your particular data, no matter how it was provided by the vendor. However, if you only want to add specific products to your mosaic dataset, choose the appropriate product type. For example, for QuickBird imagery, you can choose All, Basic, Standard, Standard Orthoready, and Orthorectified. Each of these options maps directly to a product provided by the vendor.
You can further refine how your data is added and processed by defining a processing template. These templates are specific to the type of data in each band. For example, in Landsat 7 ETM+ Level 1 products, there are nine bands. Band 8 is panchromatic and has the highest spatial resolution; bands 1 through 5 and 7 are multispectral bands (blue, green, red, and infrared) and have a lower spatial resolution than the panchromatic band; and bands 6a and 6b are thermal bands. For the Level 1 products, there are six processing templates:
- All Bands—The data is added and grouped in any or all of the processing templates that apply. For example, for Landsat 7, three entries will be created in the mosaic dataset for each scene: Panchromatic (band 8), Multispectral (bands 1 through 5 and 7), and Thermal (bands 6a and 6b). A field is added to the attribute table named Tag, which identifies the group each band belongs to, for example, Pan for panchromatic, MS for multispectral, and Thermal for the thermal bands.
- Panchromatic—Only the panchromatic band is added to the mosaic dataset. For example, for Landsat 7, only band 8 is added.
- Multispectral—The multispectral bands are added as a single raster dataset in the mosaic dataset. For example, for Landsat 7, there will be a single row in the mosaic dataset representing bands 1 through 5 and 7.
- Pansharpen—The bands used to generate the pan-sharpened product are added to the mosaic dataset. This generally results in a four-band mosaic dataset using the red, green, blue, infrared, and panchromatic bands.
- Pansharpen and Multispectral—The standard combination of multispectral and panchromatic bands added to the mosaic dataset. For example, for Landsat, a multispectral group will be added, but it will have a minimum pixel size set to the maximum pixel size of the panchromatic image. That way, the mosaicked image will not be pan sharpened when you zoom out beyond the resolution of the panchromatic image.
- Thermal—The thermal bands are added as a single raster dataset in the mosaic dataset. For example, for Landsat 7, there will be a single row in the mosaic dataset representing bands 6a and 6b.
In addition to these processing templates, Landsat 4-5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, and Landsat 8 raster types support Higher Level Science Data Products including the Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD). See Landsat 7 ETM+ for information on the product types and processing templates that support the Higher Level Science Data Products.
By default, the bands will be ordered sequentially—the first band in the source will be the first band in the raster added to the mosaic dataset, and so on. However, if you defined a Product Definition when creating the mosaic dataset, the data defined by these raster types will be added according to their wavelengths. For example, if the Product Definition was Natural Color (RGB), the bands with the wavelengths closest to the red, green, and blue wavelengths will be added to the raster in the mosaic dataset. If your dataset does not have a band of a particular wavelength, the closest wavelength will be chosen.
The default template is often the combined Pansharpen and Multispectral template.
ASTER or 'Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer' is an advanced multispectral imager that was launched by NASA in December, 1999. ASTER covers a wide spectral region with 14 bands from the visible to the thermal infrared with high spatial, spectral and radiometric resolution. The spatial resolution varies with wavelength: The Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) at 15 meters, the short wave infrared (SWIR) at 30 meters, and the thermal infrared (TIR) at 90 meters. Each ASTER scene covers an area of 60 by 60 km. To learn more about this sensor, see ASTER.
Several ASTER products are supported:
- Level 1
- L1T - Registered Radiance at the Sensor - Precision Terrain Corrected
- L1B - Registered Radiance at the Sensor
- Level 2
- AST 05 - Surface Emissivity
- AST07 - Surface Reflectance
- AST 08 - Surface Kinetic Temperature
- AST09 - Surface Radiance
- Level 3
- AST14DEM - Digital Elevation Model
- AST14OTH - Registered Radiance at the Sensor - Orthorectified
- AST14DMO - Digital Elevation Model and Registered Radiance at the Sensor - Orthorectified
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
VNIR | 1 | 520–600 | Visible Near Infrared 1 |
VNIR | 2 | 630–690 | Visible Near Infrared 2 |
VNIR | 3 | 760–860 | Visible Near Infrared 3N |
VNIR | 4 | 760–860 | Visible Near Infrared 3B2 |
SWIR | 1 | 1600–1700 | Shortwave Infrared 4 |
SWIR | 2 | 2145–2185 | Shortwave Infrared 5 |
SWIR | 3 | 2185-2225 | Shortwave Infrared 6 |
SWIR | 4 | 2235-2285 | Shortwave Infrared 7 |
SWIR | 5 | 2295-2365 | Shortwave Infrared 8 |
SWIR | 6 | 2360-2430 | Shortwave Infrared 9 |
TIR | 1 | 8125-8475 | Thermal Infrared 10 |
TIR | 2 | 8475-8825 | Thermal Infrared 11 |
TIR | 3 | 8925-9275 | Thermal Infrared 12 |
TIR | 4 | 10250-10950 | Thermal Infrared 13 |
TIR | 5 | 10950-11650 | Thermal Infrared 14 |
The DEIMOS-2 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the DEIMOS-2 satellite, which is the second DEIMOS Earth observation system. DEIMOS-2 is a very high resolution multispectral optical satellite that has a 4-meter multispectral resolution. The panchromatic band has a 1-meter resolution, and a pan-sharpened product of 0.75 meters can be created after it has been ground processed. It operates in a Sun-synchronous orbit at an approximate altitude of 620 km. It operates a push-broom sensor that records five bands. To learn more about this sensor, see Deimos-2 .
The Deimos-2 sensor has one product level:
- Level 1—This product is corrected for geometric distortions.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
PAN | 1 | 560–900 | Panchromatic |
MS | 2 | 466–525 | Blue |
MS | 3 | 532–599 | Green |
MS | 4 | 640–697 | Red |
MS | 5 | 770–892 | Near infrared |
The DMCii raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the DMC satellites, such as AlSat-1, Beijing-1, Deimos-1, NigeriaSat-1, UK-DMC, and UK-DMC2. To learn more, see DMC International Imaging .
Product type | Product type descriptions | Processing templates |
All | Both L1R and L1T products will be looked for when adding image data. |
L1R | This applies to L1R, a band-registered product derived from raw satellite data. | |
L1T | Orthorectified product derived from L1R product. |
The metadata for L1R and L1T product types is stored within the DIMAP (.dim) files.
Use the Pseudocolor processing template to view the DMCii imagery as a natural color image.
DMCii spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 3 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 2 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 1 | 770–900 | Near infrared |
The DubaiSat-2 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the DubaiSat-2 satellite, which is the second Earth observation satellite of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in continuation of the DubaiSat-1 project. DubaiSat-2 generates imagery at a spatial resolution of 1 meter in panchromatic and 4 meters in multispectral bands. To learn more about this sensor, see Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology .
There are two product levels for DubaiSat-2:
- Geo—This product has had some geometric correction in addition to the radiometric and sensor correction and has been orthorectified based on ground control points. It uses a digital elevation model to eliminate distortions due to relief and has been georeferenced to a UTM projection. This product can be used with any processing template.
- Radio—This product has had some radiometric correction applied to fix distortions due to differences in the sensitivity of the elementary detectors of the sensor. This product can be used with any processing template.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 420–510 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 510–580 | Green |
MS | 3 | 600–720 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–890 | Near infrared |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
The FORMOSAT-2 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the FORMOSAT-2 satellite. To learn more about this sensor, see Airbus Defence and Space .
FORMOSAT-2 supports three types of products:
- Level 1A—This product has had some radiometric correction applied to fix distortions due to differences in the sensitivity of the elementary detectors of the sensor. This product can be used with any processing template and a DEM should be specified within the raster type's properties.
- Level 2A—This product has had the same radiometric correction as applied in the Level 1A product and has been georeferenced to a UTM WGS84 projection (without using ground control points). This product can be used with any processing template.
- Ortho—This product has had the same radiometric correction as applied in the Level 1A product, and has been orthorectified based on ground control points and a digital elevation model to eliminate distortions due to relief. This product can be used with any processing template.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 4 | 770–900 | Near infrared |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
The GeoEye-1 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the GeoEye-1 satellite sensor and the OrbView-3 satellite sensor. To learn more about these sensors, see DigitalGlobe .
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 450–510 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 510–580 | Green |
MS | 3 | 655–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 780–920 | Near infrared |
Gaofen-1 (GF-1), China’s high-resolution earth observation satellite, was launched in April 2013. The GF-1 PMS raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the GF-1 PMS sensor, which collects panchromatic and multispectral data.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–590 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 770–890 | Near infrared |
To learn more about this sensor, refer to the Earth Observation Portal website.
The GF-1 WFV raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the GF-1 WFV sensor. The WFV captures data used for wide field viewing.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–590 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 770–890 | Near infrared |
To learn more about this sensor, refer to the Earth Observation Portal website.
Launched on August 19, 2014, the GF-2 PMS has a 1-meter spatial resolution and a 45-kilometer-swath width. It can be used for geographic and natural resource surveys, environment and climate change monitoring, precision agriculture, disaster relief, and city planning. The data comes as a Level 1 product.
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–590 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 770–890 | Infrared |
Product type | Processing templates |
To learn more about this sensor, refer to the Earth Observation Portal website.
The GF-4 satellite is the first geosynchronous orbiting satellite in China. It is equipped with a stare sensor that has a swath of over 400 kilometers. The visible and near infrared (VNIR) portion of the spectrum has a resolution of 50 meters. The mid-wave infrared (MWIR) portion has a resolution of 400 meters. GF-4 is based on area array staring imaging and has the capability of visible light, multispectrum, and infrared imaging. To learn more about this sensor, see GF-4 .
Product type | Processing templates |
Level 1 |
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
MS | 2 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 3 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 4 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 5 | 760–900 | Near infrared |
MWIR | 1 | 3500–4100 | Mid-wave infrared |
The HJ 1A/1B CCD raster type allows you to add raster data collected from HJ-1A and HJ-1B satellites designed for environment and disaster monitoring.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 430–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared |
To learn more about these sensors, refer to the HJ-1A/1B specifications website.
The IKONOS raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the IKONOS satellite sensor. To learn more about this sensor, see DigitalGlobe .
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 526–929 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 445–516 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 506–595 | Green |
MS | 3 | 632–698 | Red |
MS | 4 | 757–863 | Near infrared |
The Jilin-1 is the China's first self-developed remote sensing
satellite for commercial use. It is a 420-kilogram high-definition optical satellite with a 0.72-meter
resolution panchromatic sensor and 2.88-meter resolution
multispectral sensor. It is equipped with three deployable solar
panels for power generation that will be stored in internal
batteries. The satellite will operate on a 656-kilometer Sun-synchronous
orbit. To learn more about this sensor, see Jilin-1 .
The Jilin-1 sensor has one product level:
- Level 1—This product has been corrected for geometric radiometric distortions and projected to UTM, with an RPC file.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 500–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
The KOMPSAT-2 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from KOMPSAT-2 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2). To learn more about this sensor, see Korea Aerospace Research Institute .
The KOMPSAT-2 products are generated in KARI and DIMAP format. There are two supported KOMPSAT-2 products:
- Level 1A—This product has had some radiometric correction applied to fix distortions due to differences in the sensitivity of the elementary detectors of the sensor.
- Level 2A—This product has had the same radiometric correction as applied in the Level 1A product and has been georeferenced to a UTM WGS84 projection (without using ground control points).
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared |
Pan | 1 | 500–900 | Panchromatic |
The KOMPSAT-3 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from KOMPSAT-3 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3, also known as Arirang-3), a high-resolution Korean observation mission of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). To learn more about this sensor, see Korea Aerospace Research Institute and Satellite Imaging Corporation
The KOMPSAT-3 satellite supports three product types:
- Level 1G—This product has had some geometric correction in addition to the radiometric and sensor correction and has been orthorectified based on ground control points. It uses a digital elevation model to eliminate distortions due to relief and has been georeferenced to a UTM projection. This product can be used with any processing template.
- Level 1R—This product has had some radiometric correction applied to fix distortions due to differences in the sensitivity of the elementary detectors of the sensor. This product can be used with any processing template.
- Level 1O—This product has had some geometric correction in addition to the radiometric and sensor correction and has been orthorectified based on average height over the region. It is georeferenced to a UTM projection and can be used with any processing template.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
Landsat 1–5 MSS
The Landsat 1–5 MSS raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) instrument. The MSS instrument operated on the first five Landsat satellite spacecrafts. To learn more about this, see Landsat science .
Product type | Processing template |
Use the Pseudocolor processing template to view the Landsat 1–5 MSS imagery as a natural color image.
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 500–600 | Green |
MS | 2 | 600–700 | Red |
MS | 3 | 700–800 | Near infrared 1 |
MS | 4 | 800–1100 | Near infrared 2 |
Thermal | 1 | 10400–12500 | Thermal |
Landsat 4–5 TM
The Landsat 4–5 TM raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) instrument. To learn more about this and Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products, see Landsat science and Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products
Product type | Processing template |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared 1 |
MS | 5 | 1550–1750 | Near infrared 2 |
MS | 6 | 2080–2350 | Mid infrared |
Thermal | 1 | 10400–12500 | Thermal |
Landsat 7 ETM+
The Landsat 7 ETM+ raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) instrument. To learn more about this and Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products, see Landsat science and Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products
Product type | Processing template |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 770–900 | Near infrared 1 |
MS | 5 | 1550–1750 | Near infrared 2 |
MS | 6 | 2080–2350 | Mid infrared |
Thermal | 1 | 10400–12500 | Thermal 1 |
Thermal | 2 | 10400–12500 | Thermal 2 |
Pan | 1 | 520–900 | Panchromatic |
Landsat 8
The Landsat 8 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from Landsat 8, the latest in the Landsat series of remote sensing satellites started as part of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission. To learn more about this and Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products, see Landsat science and Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products
Product type | Processing template |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 430–450 | Coastal Aerosol |
MS | 2 | 450–510 | Blue |
MS | 3 | 530–590 | Green |
MS | 4 | 640–670 | Red |
MS | 5 | 850–880 | Near infrared |
MS | 6 | 1570–1650 | Shortwave infrared 1 |
MS | 7 | 2110–2290 | Shortwave infrared 2 |
MS | 8 | 1360–1380 | Cirrus |
Thermal | 1 | 10600–11190 | Thermal Infrared 1 |
Thermal | 2 | 11500–12510 | Thermal Infrared 2 |
Pan | 1 | 500–680 | Panchromatic |
NCDRD is an acronym for NITF Version 2.1 Commercial Dataset Required Document. The NCDRD raster type allows you to add NITF images that follow NCDRD specifications into mosaic datasets. This raster type supports NCDRD products from many satellites: GeoEye-1, IKONOS, QuickBird, WorldView-1, and WorldView-2.
Product type | Processing templates |
The Default processing template adds and groups data in all of the processing templates that apply. A field is added to the attribute table named Tag, which identifies within which the group each band belongs:
- Pan—Panchromatic
- MS—Multispectral
- Thermal—Thermal Bands
Images added to a mosaic dataset via the NCDRD raster type will have metadata columns extracted from the NITF header as well as key metadata from satellite sensors, such as Sun Azimuth and Sun Elevation.
The Pléiades raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the Pléiades satellite sensor. To learn more about this sensor, see Airbus Defence and Space
Product type | Processing templates |
Pléiades spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–530 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 510–590 | Green |
MS | 3 | 620–700 | Red |
MS | 4 | 775–915 | Near infrared |
Pan | 1 | 450–530 | Panchromatic |
The QuickBird raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the QuickBird satellite sensor. The product types in the ArcGIS application map to the similar product name provided by the vendor. Standard Orthoready is also known as Ortho Ready Standard Imagery.
To learn more about this sensor, see DigitalGlobe .
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–900 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared |
RADARSAT-2 data can be added to a mosaic dataset using the RADARSAT-2 raster type. The RADARSAT-2 products consist of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image or signal data in addition to the metadata. The basic product generated by the RADARSAT-2 processor contains a product information file and image pixel data files. The RADARSAT-2 satellite differentiates the products by the beam mode and by the level of processing that has been applied to the data.
These datasets have information of the polarimetric data. The product information file for the various product types is encoded in XML format. The RADARSAT-2 raster type allows you to create a mosaic dataset where you can query the mosaic dataset attribute table for the imagery according to the metadata in the attribute table.
To learn more about this sensor, see MDA .
The following product types of RADARSAT-2 can be added using this raster type:
Product type | Processing templates |
SLC is a complex product type where each pixel is represented by a complex value. When applying a Speckle filter on an SLC product, intensity (magnitude) of the pixel value is used.
There are two processing templates that can be used depending on the level of processing required:
- Raw—The data will be added without applying any functions. This is the default template and is used for basic visualization.
- Despeckle—The data will be added with the Speckle function applied. The output is a speckle-filtered, smoothed image.
The following are the polarizations available with RADARSAT-2 products:
- HH—The radar signals are transmitted horizontally and received horizontally.
- VV—The radar signals are transmitted vertically and received vertically.
- HV—The radar signals are transmitted horizontally and received vertically.
- VH—The radar signals are transmitted vertically and received horizontally.
The RADARSAT-2 product can be single, dual, or quad polarized, depending on the beam mode. The beam modes are distinguished by a specific beam elevation angle and width used for transmitting and receiving signals. The various beam modes include the following:
- Single Beam—Standard, Wide, Fine, Multi-Look Fine, Ultra-Fine, Extended High, Extended Low, Standard Quad Polarization, and Fine Quad Polarization
- ScanSAR—ScanSAR Narrow and ScanSAR Wide
- Spotlight—Spotlight A
The RapidEye raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the RapidEye satellite sensors. To learn more about this sensor, see Planet Labs .
Product type | Processing template |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 440–510 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–590 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–685 | Red |
MS | 4 | 690–730 | Red edge |
MS | 5 | 760–850 | Near infrared |
SENTINEL-1 is European Space Agency's C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite constellation comprising two polar-orbiting satellites, operating day and night, thus enabling image acquisition at all times regardless of the weather. Operating in four different acquisition modes of Stripmap (SM), Interferometric Wide Swath (IW), Extra-Wide Swath (EW) and Wave (WV), the SENTINEL-1 mission provides coverage up to 400 km at different resolutions (up to 5 m). The satellite supports both single and dual polarization capabilities in different acquisition modes. For more information about the different acquisition modes that are available in different polarizations, please refer to Sentinel-1 User Guides .
Currently ArcGIS supports the following Level 1 products:
GRD—Ground Range Detected products lie in the ground range by azimuth surface, with image coordinates oriented along ground range and flight direction. To convert from imaging slant range coordinates to ground range coordinates, a slant to ground projection is performed onto an ellipsoid (typically the WGS84 ellipsoid) corrected using terrain height, which varies in azimuth and is constant in range. The standard GRD products are detected, multi-look products, with approximately square resolution cells and square pixel spacing. Multi-looking is a processing property that results in images with reduced speckle, but also with reduced resolution: the more looks the less speckle noise and the lower the resolution.
SLC—Single Look Complex products are images in the slant range by azimuth imaging plane, in the image plane of satellite data acquisition. Each image pixel is represented by a complex (I and Q) magnitude value and therefore contains both amplitude and phase information. The processing for all SLC products results in a single look in each dimension using the full available signal bandwidth. The images are geo-referenced using orbit and attitude data from the satellite.
Product type | Processing templates |
There are two processing templates that can be used depending on the level of processing required:
- Raw—The data will be added without applying any functions. This is the default template and is used for basic visualization.
- Despeckle—The data will be added with the Speckle function applied. The output is a speckle-filtered, smoothed image.
The following are the polarizations available with Sentinel-1 products:
- HH—The radar signals are transmitted horizontally and received horizontally.
- VV—The radar signals are transmitted vertically and received vertically.
- HV—The radar signals are transmitted horizontally and received vertically.
- VH—The radar signals are transmitted vertically and received horizontally.
- HH HV - Dual HH/HV polarization.
- VV VH - Dual VV/VH polarization.
The Sentinel-1 raster type also supports the inclusion of two new raster functions, which are exclusive only to Sentinel-1:
- Sentinel-1 Thermal Noise Removal function—This function performs thermal noise removal for Sentinel 1 datasets only. Works with both GRD (Ground Range Detection) and SLC (Single Look Complex) products.
- Sentinel-1 Radiometric Calibration function— This function performs radiometric calibration for Sentinel 1 datasets only. Works with both GRD (Ground Range Detection) and SLC (Single Look Complex) products.
In addition, the Unit Conversion raster function has been enhanced to support conversion of radar data from/to Intensity/dB.
To learn more about this sensor, see European Space Agency .
Sentinel-2 spacecraft has a Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) that collects data in spectral bands spanning from the visible and the near infrared to the shortwave infrared spectra at three different resolutions:
- 4 bands at 10 meters
- 6 bands at 20 meters
- 3 bands at 60 meters
Sentinel-2 MSI data is available as different product types and is systematically processed from Level 0 to Level 1C and Level 2A. Currently ArcGIS supports Level 1C and Level 2A products.
Level1—This corresponds to Level 1C processing level. The product results from using a digital elevation model (DEM) to project the image in cartographic coordinates. Per-pixel radiometric measurements are provided in Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance with all parameters to transform them into radiance. Level 1C products are resampled with a constant Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of 10, 20, and 60 meters, depending on the native resolution of the different spectral bands. In Level 1C products, pixel coordinates refer to the upper left corner of the pixel.
Level2— This corresponds to Level 2A processing level, which consists of scene classification and atmospheric correction applied to Level-1C orthoimage product. Level-2A is an Orthorectified Bottom-Of-Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance product. Level-2A products are resampled similar to Level-1C products with a constant GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) of 10m, 20m and 60m according to the native resolution of the different spectral bands. The Scene Classification data is supported as a raster product.
To learn more about this sensor, see European Space Agency .
Since the Sentinel-2 Level 1C MSI data is distributed in three different resolutions, ArcGIS generates three different types of composite products based on the resolutions.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Multispectral-60m | 1 | 433–453 | B1 |
Multispectral-10m | 1 | 458–522 | B2 |
Multispectral-10m | 2 | 543–577 | B3 |
Multispectral-10m | 3 | 650–680 | B4 |
Multispectral-20m | 1 | 698–712 | B5 |
Multispectral-20m | 2 | 733–747 | B6 |
Multispectral-20m | 3 | 773–793 | B7 |
Multispectral-10m | 4 | 784–899 | B8 |
Multispectral-20m | 4 | 855–875 | B8A |
Multispectral-60m | 2 | 935–955 | B9 |
Multispectral-60m | 3 | 1360–1390 | B10 |
Multispectral-20m | 5 | 1565–1655 | B11 |
Multispectral-20m | 6 | 2100–2280 | B12 |
The SPOT 5 raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the SPOT 5 satellite. To learn more about this sensor, see Airbus Defence and Space .
There are three SPOT 5 products supported:
- Level 1A—This product has had some radiometric correction applied to fix distortions due to differences in the sensitivity of the elementary detectors of the sensor. This product should be used with the Orthorectify processing template and a DEM should be specified within the raster type's properties.
- Level 2A—This product has had the same radiometric correction as applied in the Level 1A product and has been georeferenced to a UTM WGS84 projection (without using ground control points). You can use this product with the Panchromatic, Multispectral, Pseudocolor, or Pansharpen processing templates.
- SPOTView Ortho—This product has had the same radiometric correction as applied in the Level 1A product and has been orthorectified based on ground control points and a digital elevation model to eliminate distortions due to relief. You can use this product with the Panchromatic, Multispectral, Pseudocolor, or Pansharpen processing templates.
Product type | Processing templates |
Use the Pseudocolor processing template to view the SPOT imagery as a natural color image.
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 500–590 | Green |
MS | 2 | 610–680 | Red |
MS | 3 | 790–890 | Near infrared |
MS | 4 | 1580–1750 | Shortwave infrared |
Pan | 1 | 510–730 | Panchromatic |
SPOT 6 and SPOT 7
The SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 raster types allow you to add raster data collected from the SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 satellites. To learn more about this sensor, see Airbus Defence and Space .
There are various products supported by SPOT 6 and SPOT 7.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
MS | 1 | 450–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 530–590 | Green |
MS | 3 | 625–695 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–890 | Near Infrared |
Pan | 1 | 450–745 | Panchromatic |
TH-01 is the first Chinese transmission type satellite. Launched on August 24, 2010, TH-01 has a triple stereo surveying and mapping sensor and a high-resolution multispectral sensor. It collects triplet stereo images, high-resolution images, and multispectral images globally. TH-01 is widely used in science research, land resource research, surveying, and mapping. The data comes as a Level 1 and Level 2 product.
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan-FWD | 1 | 510–690 | Pan-Forward |
Pan-BWD | 1 | 510–690 | Pan-Backward |
Pan-NAD | 1 | 510–690 | Pan-Nadir |
MS | 1 | 430–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–610 | Green |
MS | 3 | 610–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Infrared |
Product type | Processing templates |
The WorldView raster types allow you to add raster data collected from the WorldView-1, WorldView-2, or WorldView-3 satellite sensors. To learn more about these sensors, see DigitalGlobe .
Product type | Processing templates |
WorldView-1 spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 400–900 | Panchromatic |
The WorldView raster types allow you to add raster data collected from the WorldView-1, WorldView-2, or WorldView-3 satellite sensors. To learn more about these sensors, see DigitalGlobe .
Product type | Processing templates |
WorldView-2 spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 400–450 | Coastal blue |
MS | 2 | 450–510 | Blue |
MS | 3 | 510–580 | Green |
MS | 4 | 585–625 | Yellow |
MS | 5 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 6 | 705–745 | Red edge |
MS | 7 | 770–895 | Near infrared 1 |
MS | 8 | 860–1040 | Near infrared 2 |
The WorldView raster types allow you to add raster data collected from the WorldView-1, WorldView-2, or WorldView-3 satellite sensors. To learn more about these sensors, see DigitalGlobe . Currently, the raster type for WorldView-3 only includes support for the visible, near infrared, and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands, but not for CAVIS.
Product type | Processing templates |
WorldView-3 spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 400–450 | Coastal blue |
MS | 2 | 450–510 | Blue |
MS | 3 | 510–580 | Green |
MS | 4 | 585–625 | Yellow |
MS | 5 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 6 | 705–745 | Red edge |
MS | 7 | 770–895 | Near infrared 1 |
MS | 8 | 860–1040 | Near infrared 2 |
SWIR | 1 | 1195–1225 | Shortwave infrared 1 |
SWIR | 2 | 1550–1590 | Shortwave infrared 2 |
SWIR | 3 | 1640–1680 | Shortwave infrared 3 |
SWIR | 4 | 1710–1750 | Shortwave infrared 4 |
SWIR | 5 | 2145–2185 | Shortwave infrared 5 |
SWIR | 6 | 2185–2225 | Shortwave infrared 6 |
SWIR | 7 | 2235–2285 | Shortwave infrared 7 |
SWIR | 8 | 2295–2365 | Shortwave infrared 8 |
WorldView-4, is a third generation commercial Earth observation satellite that has a maximum resolution of 31 cm. These are similar imagery as WorldView-3, the highest resolution commercially available at the time of its launch.
Currently ArcGIS supports the View-Ready/Standard Orthoready (OR2A) product and the System-Ready/Basic (1B). To learn more about these sensors, see DigitalGlobe .
Product type | Processing templates |
WorldView-4 spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 450–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 450-510 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 510-580 | Green |
MS | 3 | 655-690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 780-920 | NearInfrared |
ZY02C HRC raster type
The ZY02C HRC raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the ZY-1 02C satellite.
The ZY02C HRC sensor has two product types:
- Level 1A—This product has had radiometric correction but no geometric correction.
- Level 2A—This product has been radiometric corrected and georeferenced.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
HRC1 | 1 | 450–950 | Panchromatic |
HRC2 | 1 | 450–950 | Panchromatic |
HRC | 1 | 450–950 | Panchromatic |
To learn more about these sensors, refer to the China Centre for Resource Satellite Data and Application website.
ZY02C PMS raster type
The ZY02C PMS raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the ZY-1 02C satellite.
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan | 1 | 510–850 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 520–590 | Green |
MS | 2 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 3 | 770–890 | Near infrared |
To learn more about these sensors, refer to the China Centre for Resource Satellite Data and Application website.
The ZY3-CRESDA raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the ZY-3 satellite, which is distributed by China Center for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA).
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan FWD | 1 | 500–800 | FWD-Panchromatic |
Pan BWD | 1 | 500–800 | BWD-Panchromatic |
Pan | 1 | 500–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 430–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared |
To learn more about these sensors, refer to the China Centre for Resource Satellite Data and Application website.
The ZY3-SASMAC raster type allows you to add raster data collected from the ZY-3 satellite and distributed by Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Center (SASMAC).
Product type | Processing templates |
Spectral range
Tag | Band order | Wavelength (nm) | Description |
Pan FWD | 1 | 500–800 | FWD-Panchromatic |
Pan BWD | 1 | 500–800 | BWD-Panchromatic |
Pan | 1 | 500–800 | Panchromatic |
MS | 1 | 430–520 | Blue |
MS | 2 | 520–600 | Green |
MS | 3 | 630–690 | Red |
MS | 4 | 760–900 | Near infrared |