Models can be run from within ModelBuilder or from the model tool dialog box.
Running a model from within ModelBuilder
Running a model from within ModelBuilder means to open the model for editing and run it from the ModelBuilder interface. There are three ways to run a model from within ModelBuilder:
- Run Single tool—Select one tool, right-click, then click Run. Earlier processes in the chain also run if needed. Later processes in the chain do not run; however, if they are in the has-been-run process state, their state changes back to ready-to-run.
- Run Ready-to-run tools—Click Run from the Model menu or the run tool on ModelBuilder toolbar. All tools that are in a ready-to-run state run.
- Run entire model—Click Run Entire Model from the Model menu. This runs all tools that are in a ready-to-run state.
Learn more about what happens when a model is run within ModelBuilder.
Running a model from model tool dialog box
Like any other geoprocessing tool, model tools have tool dialog boxes that can be opened by double-clicking the model tool in the Catalog window or ArcToolbox window. Variables that are model parameters appear on the model tool dialog box.
Learn more about what happens when a model is run from its tool dialog box