- Click the Zoom In button
, Zoom Out button
, or Continuous Zoom/Pan button
on the Navigation toolbar. Alternatively, you can click Tools, hover over Navigation, then click Zoom In or Zoom Out.
- When using the Zoom In or Zoom Out tools, click on the map or click and drag to create a box to which to zoom.
- Using the Continuous Zoom/Pan tool, click and drag down on the display to zoom in, or drag up on the display to zoom out. Right-click the Continuous Zoom/Pan tool to pan the map.
- You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Roll the wheel away from you to zoom out and roll the wheel toward you to zoom in. You will need to click on the map display to set the focus before using the mouse wheel. Additionally, as you roll the mouse wheel, you can hold down Ctrl to zoom at a finer rate similar to ArcMap.
- You can click with the mouse wheel to recenter the map.
- You can drag with the mouse wheel held down to pan the map.