Available with Business Analyst license.
Territories created from seed points have fixed centers such as office or store locations. All other territories have non-fixed centers. Non-fixed centers are calculated for each territory shape change according to territory level parameters that you specify.
These territory center types are:
- Geometric center - Center of the territory envelope or its overall bounding box.
- Mean center - Calculated by physical locations or physical locations weighted with an attribute such as population or households.
- Center of density - The point representing the densest location in a territory of its physical locations of physical locations weighted with an attribute.
- Farthest point from all boundaries - The point located within a territory farthest from all its territory boundaries.
The territory center type can be changed at any time. Below are examples of each territory center type.
Geometric center
Mean center with spatial attribute: Total Population
Center of density with spatial attribute: Total Population
Farthest point from all boundaries.
Centers that are fixed or non-fixed can be changed using Lock/Unlock Parent Territory Center.
Locked territory centers are displayed with a check over the symbol. Dynamic territory centers can be relocated when improving or balancing territories. Locked centers will remain in their fixed locations.