Available with Business Analyst license.
Seed Points are point locations used in Territory Design to determine starting points for creating territories. Seed points can be anything from franchise addresses and sales offices to distribution centers and are a common method for creating territories. For example, if you have a group of salespeople in offices around the Greater Chicago area, you can use this option to create and balance their respective sales territories using a base geography around each location.
The objective of this example is to create territories with balanced sales potential, workloads, efficiency, and account service quality.
- Click the drop-down arrow on the Territory
Design toolbar and then
click Create
Territory Solution...
- Choose the Create territories from seed points option and then click Next.
- Inside the Set parameters for new Territory Solution window enter the following so that your screen
resembles the one below. Click Next.
- Type a name inside the Name your Territory Solution field.
- Keep the default settings for the New Territory Solution output directory field.
- You will choose, from the following options, your alignment layer under the Define base Alignment Layer settings.
- Feature layer - this option contains a list of available feature layers in your project.
- Standard geographies - this option contains a list of available levels of the current demographic dataset. This is set in your Business Analyst preferences.
- Choose an item from the Display field drop-down menu.
- Select your Seed point layer. Click Next.
- You will assign names to each of your territories by designating names from a layer. Choose a field name which best elucidates this action - in this case it is CONAME. Click Next.