Available with Business Analyst license.
Proximity Analysis shows your closest competitors or where their store locations are compared to your store locations. This tells you how many competitors fall within X miles of your store. You can also run this report to list the number of closest stores to your locations.
This report can be run for any two point layers in your map. This report provides the closest ZIP Code centroids to your center point.
Input Prerequisites
You must have two point layers, but they don't have to be a store or customer layer.
Output Example
Below is a walkthrough for generating the locator report via the Proximity Analysis Wizard.
- Select Proximity Analysis (Locator Report) Click Next
- Set the layer that contains the store layer to which you are trying to find the nearest stores. Set the remaining fields for Store ID (Store Number) and store name, etc. Click Next.
- Select the layer that contains your business points (This is the stores you are trying to find nearest to your first layer). Set the parameters you would like for your report—that is, the nearest 5 locations. Click Next
- Select the distance calculation method. Optionally, add the distance field back to the business points layer. Click Next
- Set the report orientation and choose the fields, as well as the headers, that you want to appear on the report. Click Next
- Name your report. Ensure that you check the Create Reports radio button. Click Next
- Set your report format by clicking the Change... button. You may change the default report name and report title. Check the View Report check box to view the report once the report is generated. Click Finish.