Available with Business Analyst license.
Remove overlap allows you to define a border between two or more trade areas that overlap. For example, you may want to remove an overlap between trade areas so that you do not double count characteristics for the trade areas. The Remove overlap tool uses Thiessen polygons or the grid-based approach to remove overlap between two or more trade areas.
Remove overlap methods
Thiessen polygon - The Thiessen polygon method will remove overlap using straight lines.
Grid - The grid approach takes into account weights of the stores and the shape of the overlapping polygon to make the division more natural.
Input Prerequisites
The trade area layer must be a polygon feature layer.
Example Output
The image below shows two trade areas overlapping one another. The area in green show the overlap. Using a grid approach, the overlapped section has been removed. The newly shaped territories allow businesses to redistribute customers from once saturated markets to new stores.

Learn more about Remove overlap.